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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

One of the most popular and distinctive Intellivision games. Too bad Meteor! was cut out of it.

Astrosmash!Graphics: 3
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 3
Notes: 1-player game; one of the most popular games for the console
Screen Shots

Astrosmash! is an interesting take on the Space Invaders / Asteroids phenomenon. Faced with a dearth of 1-player games, and no high-profile arcade game licenses, this was the big splash for Mattel's efforts to produce arcade-style games for the Intellivision. Actually, this was quite a departure from the standard game fodder of the day - mostly 2-player sports games or 2-player strategy / military games like Sea Battle or Armor Battle. Another interesting facet of this game is that it gets easier as you do worse in the game. Best Score (Historical): 2.2 million+ [Slow speed, many years ago - I just couldn't play any more.] Best Score (Recent): 775655 [Fastest speed, < 2 hours!]

Apparently, my old high score wasn't even good enough to get me into any regional competition (I don't remember if I officially entered) for the Astrosmash Shootoff. Sure would have liked to have gotten one of the consolation prizes (a Keyboard Component! ACK!).

ROM At least one ROM variant is known to exist—a special version used in the Astrosmash Shootoff that has a timer built into it.
Box So far, ten variations have been found.
Manual Thirteen variants have been identified.
Overlays The Mattel black/grey variant is a weak one at best. Eight different overlay variations are known to exist.
Label To date, seven labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No known reliable Easter eggs exist. The game Meteor! is already on the cart, but was disabled by putting a jump around the selection menu into the software. Back in the day, my stepbrother claimed to have seen the game once, but we never saw it again, and I never believed him. Turns out he was right!

A total of ten Astrosmash! box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Astrosmash! Box (Mattel Electronics 3605-0910) Mattel Electronics 3605-0910 1981 U.S.A. Trayless pocket; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom; possibly the worst shrink-wrapped copy in existence shows the ASTROSMASH SHOOTOFF! sticker
Astrosmash! Box (Mattel Electronics 3605-0910) Mattel Electronics 3605-0910 1981 Hong Kong Plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom
Astrosmash! Box (Mattel Electronics 3605-0510) Mattel Electronics 3605-0510 1981 Hong Kong French-Canadian; plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada on back
Astrosmash! Box (Mattel Electronics 3605-0410) Mattel Electronics 3605-0410 1981 Hong Kong International version; plastic tray; no part number on top
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 3605-0410 1981 Hong Kong International version; plastic tray; no part number on top; NO SLOTS in back; slots inside for overlays; reported by Intellivotion
Astrosmash! Box (Intellivision Inc. 3605) Intellivision Inc. 3605 1981 U.S.A. Standard Intellivision, Inc. box
Astrosmash! Box (Sears 3864-0910-G1) Sears 3864-0910-G1 1981 U.S.A. Trayless pocket; blue game title on top and back; no part number on top
Astrosmash! Box (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1981 Brazil Digiplay edition; 'Rua Acará' address printed on back of box; Mattel Electronics logo on box; no part number apparent; © Mattel Inc. 1981 on front; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate horizontal slots; game title not localized; at least some Digiplay copies appear to have a competition ROM version of Astrosmash in them!
Astrosmash! Box (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1981 Brazil Digimed edition; 'Rua Acará' address and sticker on back; Mattel Electronics logo on box; no part number apparent; © Mattel Inc. 1981 on front; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate vertical slots; game title not localized; back cover has sticker for Digiplay address and Digimed info printed directly on it
Image not available. Digiplay N/A 1981 Brazil Digiplay edition; 'Av. Açaí' address printed on back of box; Mattel Electronics logo on box; no part number apparent; © Mattel Inc. 1981 on front; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate horizontal slots; game title not localized; at least some Digiplay copies appear to have a competition ROM version of Astrosmash in them!

A total of thirteen Astrosmash! manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Astrosmash! Manual (Mattel Electronics 3605-0920) Mattel Electronics 3605-0920 1981 U.S.A. Light green and white artwork on dark blue starfield; playing instruction update part number 3605-0360 also printed in U.S.A.; this manual has also surfaced in some PlayCable packages (at least two known sightings)
Astrosmash! Manual (Mattel Electronics 3605-0920) Mattel Electronics 3605-0920 1981 Hong Kong Light green and white artwork on dark blue starfield
Astrosmash! Manual (Mattel Electronics 3605-0720) Mattel Electronics 3605-0720 1981 Hong Kong French-Canadian; Light green and white artwork on dark blue starfield
Astrosmash! Manual (Mattel Electronics 3605-0121) Mattel Electronics 3605-0121 1981 Hong Kong German; light blue artwork - not green like the standard manuals
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 3605-0121 1981 Hong Kong German; standard light green / white / dark blue artwork
Astrosmash! Manual (Mattel Electronics 3605-0161) Mattel Electronics 3605-0161 1981 Hong Kong Dutch; noted, and image contributed by cmart; need confirmation of part number, other appearance details
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 3605-0141 1981 Hong Kong Spanish; "light" blue background
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 3605-0131 1981 Hong Kong Italian; "light" blue background; need confirmation of part number
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 3605-0151 1981   Swedish version; NEED DETAILS
Astrosmash! Manual (Intellivision Inc. 3605-0920) Intellivision Inc. 3605-0920 None U.S.A. Accordion-style folding
Astrosmash! Manual (Sears 3864-0920) Sears 3864-0920 1981 U.S.A.  
Astrosmash! Manual (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1979 Brazil Digiplay edition; © M.I. 1979 on back; Av. Açaí address on back
Astrosmash! Manual (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1979 Brazil Digimed edition; © M.I. 1979 on back; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper; some differences in front / back pages but not game description content; Rua Acará on back

Supplemental Materials

The following supplemental materials have been found for Astrosmash!.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Astrosmash! Additional Materials (Mattel Electronics 3605-0360) Mattel Electronics 3605-0360 1982 U.S.A. Update to inform players about the different skill levels in the game—which any true devotee of the system would have already known ;-)

And here we have image of the actual Astrosmash Shootoff contest entry form. Many thanks to Phil for sending these images in! My copy looks like a mouse nibbled on it, so if you have an extra, send a message!

Astrosmash Shootoff Entry Form (front)

Astrosmash Shootoff Entry Form - front

Astrosmash Shootoff Entry Form (back)

Astrosmash Shootoff Entry Form - back
(check the consolation prizes!)

A total of nine Astrosmash! overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Astrosmash! Overlay (Mattel Electronics 3605-4289-G1) Mattel Electronics 3605-4289-G1 1981 U.S.A. Pleasing black background
Astrosmash! Overlay (Mattel Electronics 3605-4289-G1) Mattel Electronics 3605-4289-G1 1981 U.S.A. Is the grey background due to the huge print run, or was it a modification?; today, they'd make versions for each of the background colors and challenge you to collect 'em all!
Astrosmash! Overlay (Digiplay 3605-4289-G1) Digiplay 3605-4289-G1 None   Copyright masked out; image courtesy of mcg423; convinced this is a Digiplay and not Intellivision, Inc. variant based on observations over the years
Astrosmash! Overlay (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1981   Localized in Brazilian Portuguese; image submitted by ??? (sorry, I forgot!)
Astrosmash! Overlay (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1981   Localized in Brazilian Portuguese; should this count as a variant—it's just gray instead of black
Astrosmash! Overlay (Phil Boland 49 75229) Phil Boland 49 75229 1981 U.S.A. Part of the Sears Super Video Arcade Overlay Set (2013)
Astrosmash! Overlay (Intellivision Productions) Intellivision Productions N/A None   Part of the standard 10 overlay set from the 2014 Intellivision Flashback; copyright information has been removed; solid black background
Astrosmash! Overlay (Intellivision Productions) Intellivision Productions N/A None   Found in the overlays included with the Sam's Club and Dollar General editions of the 2014 Intellivision Flashback, it's unclear of this is particular to these special editions, or if it's just happenstance; copyright information has been removed; gray background
Astrosmash! Overlay (Blue Sky Rangers) Blue Sky Rangers N/A 2019   Reprint from Blue Sky Rangers in 2019

A total of seven Astrosmash! label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Image not available. Mattel Electronics N/A None U.S.A. Origin upper right, ™ upper right; small rounded label
Astrosmash! Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A None U.S.A. Origin upper right, ™ upper right
Astrosmash! Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A None Hong Kong Origin upper right, ™ upper right
Astrosmash! Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A 1981 U.S.A. Origin lower left; © M.I. 1981; ™ top right; appears to be painted on and not a sticker label; thanks to intvdave pointing me to a forum post about these
Astrosmash! Label (Intellivision Inc.) Intellivision Inc. N/A 1981 U.S.A. Origin lower right; © I.I. 1981 to left of origin; ™ small, centered vertically on right edge; smaller label, rounded corners
Astrosmash! Label (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A None   Digiplay edition; no origin; ™ upper right; name not localized; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper
Astrosmash! Label (Phil Boland) Phil Boland N/A None   Part of the Sears Super Video Arcade Overlay Set (2013)

Title Screen Title screen for Astrosmash!.
Planetscape As your score increases, you cycle through a sometimes 'eye-searing' (according to Electronic Games magazine) palette of background colors. Ultimately, at 100,000 points, the background color returns to soothing black.

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!