Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Significant overhaul of NBA Basketball delivers lots of great features.

Slam Dunk Super Pro BasketballGraphics: 4
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 5
Notes: 0- 1- or 2-player game; Easter Egg
Screen Shots

With Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball, INTV Corp. produced an excellent revision of the original NBA Basketball. This version introduces the salary cap, the draft, and players with individual names and statistics. You have a lot more control over your team from a coaching perspective, in that you can substitute players, call timeouts, etc. The game even has fouls and three-point shots. I don't quite understand how fouls are called, but they're there. This game is a lot of fun to play - even against the computer.

For those who are interested, the list of players in the game appears below. This assumes you're not the person who owns the reported special prototype cart with the custom player names and stats. Just the player names appear here, not the statistics.

Ace Maverick Flagpole Davis Mighty Joe Lee Spud Babcock
Barrel Smith Flash Flood Mojique Burn Steve Cousey
Beanpole Bowen Fowler Brown Nails Lucas Stilt Chambers
Big Al Cooper Garrick Higgins Nick Hooker Stretch Marx
Bigfoot Baker Hacker Thomas Oscar Peele Sumo Yamauchi
Boards Moser Houdini Watts PeeWee Parker Tank Rollins
Bomber McCray Ice Bucket Wood Professor Q. T-Bone Kelly
Buck Blazer Jeffrey Martins R.C. Goodrich Terry Stout
Bull Piston Jimmie Jammer Rebound O'Riley Thunder Dunks
Calvin Cooler Judge Warren Rex King Tiny Donaldson
'Copter Watkins Kirby Hoover Ricky Shack Toothpick Green
Dave Williams Kyle Stevens Robert Irvings Tree Adams
Derek Andrews Larry Hawk Rocky Chandler Tugboat Tucker
Devon Berry Lee Sammon Russell Edwards Turbo Wilson
Dribbles McCoy Legs Robinson Satch Hawkins Wheels Barnes
Duke Davis Lug Nut Baxter Scott Shipsky Whopper Dorfman
Duncan Peoples Lurch Butlers Shorty Malone Wimp Sanders
Dusty Ragg Maurice Mendoza Slammer Smith Winston Keys
Eddie Whistler Micro McGee    

Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball Player List

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box No variations have been found.
Manual No variations have been found.
Overlays Custom overlays have been designed and distributed by Psycho Stormtrooper.
Label To date, two labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs One Easter eggs has been found—game credits.

Only one version of the box has been found for Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball Box (INTV Corporation 9001) INTV Corporation 9001 None   UPC barcode on bottom flap, but no game title; no origin or copyright date

It is reported at the official Intellivision Lives! site that at least one prototype cartridge was produced that contained special player names and statistics from a group of fans who wanted to commission their own version of Slam Dunk. Fess up! It sure would be neat to have a dump of that ROM.

Only one version of the manual has been found for Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball Manual (INTV Corporation 9001) INTV Corporation 9001 None   Accordion-style folding

A total of two Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Image not available. Psycho Stormtrooper 9001-SP None   Custom overlay designed by Psycho Stormtrooper
Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball Overlay (Intellivision Productions) Intellivision Productions N/A None   Part of the Supplemental Overlay Pack for Intellivision Flashback; reissue of the Orphan Overlay by Psycho Stormtrooper; note the addition of the Intellivision Productions copyright and modified Psycho Stormtrooper logo

A total of two Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball Label (INTV Corporation) INTV Corporation N/A None   Large label, square corners; large SLAM DUNK text, smaller SUPER PRO BASKETBALL beneath
Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball Label (INTV Corporation) INTV Corporation N/A None   Small label, rounded corners; large SLAM DUNK text, smaller SUPER PRO BASKETBALL beneath

Title Screen Title screen for Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball.
Budgeting Ah, the nightmares of sports team management: salaries!
Drafting Nicely-rendered screen for your draft selections.
We Be Jammin'! Definite upgrade of the venerable NBA Basketball court. It's got a three-point-line and everything!

Title Screen Credits Easter Egg

Credit: The official Intellivision Lives! site

Press Reset: You must be at the title screen
Either Controller: Press [0] and hold
Easter Egg: Credits for the game scroll by:

Game Credits

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!