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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Smiley Face plays Dungeons & Dragons.

VentureGraphics: 2
Sound: 2
Replay Value: 2
Notes: 1- or 2-player game. Does not work on Intellivision II.
Screen Shots

Venture is playable, but then the original game wasn't very sophisticated, either. Not an offensive game, but it does nothing to stand out as a particularly good game, either. Winky is faithfully rendered, but has an invisible bow. The Hall Monsters have been reduced to nearly featureless squares. This version has three levels - I'm not sure how many levels there are in the arcade game, and therefore how many treasures there are.

ROM It's been reported that a ROM variant exists.
Box So far, six variations have been found.
Manual Five variants have been identified.
Overlays Custom overlays have been designed and distributed by Psycho Stormtrooper.
Label To date, three labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

A total of six Venture box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Venture Box (Coleco 2477) Coleco 2477 1982 U.S.A. Has 'NOT FOR USE WITH INTELLIVISION® II' sticker; standard 'Intellivision™' banner; small top flaps have proof of purchase w/ part number on one and date of manufacture on the other
Venture Box (Coleco 2477) Coleco 2477 1982 Canada French-Canadian; has artwork next to picture of arcade machine; standard 'Intellivision®' banner; has barcode on back; dual-language 'NOT FOR USE WITH INTELLIVISION®II' sticker
Venture Box (CBS Electronics 60.241703.68) CBS Electronics 60.241703.68 1983 Holland International Edition; there are several part numbers on the box in addition to the one listed on the tab on the bottom flap: ICI 241703 and 7628-1R1 appear on back and sides above and below the CBS Electronics logo—these may be part numbers for the game; 3P4089 appears on the tab on the top flap
Venture Box (CBS Electronics 7628-1A) CBS Electronics 7628-1A 1983 Holland English (U.K.) edition; has warrior wrapped up by a serpent on the cover; haven't cracked shrinkwrap to find other part numbers within—there must be something to uniqify it from the other U.K. variant
Venture Box (CBS Electronics 7628-1A) CBS Electronics 7628-1A 1983 Holland English (U.K.) edition; has fighter aiming some kind of high-tech spear launcher on the cover; back cover has several screen shots compared to other U.K. version; haven't cracked shrinkwrap to find other part numbers within—there must be something to uniqify it from the other U.K. variant
Image not available. CBS Electronics ??? 1983 Holland German version; has warrior wrapped up by a serpent on the cover

Reportedly, a ROM variant was released (Europe only?) that fixed the 'Intellivision II' bug.

A total of five Venture manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Venture Manual (Coleco 78083) Coleco 78083 1983 U.S.A.  
Venture Manual (Coleco 56640) Coleco 56640 1983 Canada French-Canadian release with English and French as a single back-to-back manual, flip over to view other language; note IntelliVision (upper-case 'V')
Image not available. CBS Electronics 2L2053 1983   International Edition; languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish; no origin printed on manual; a second part number appears on the manual as well: 60.241703.71
Image not available. CBS Electronics ?????? 1983   NEED CONFIRMATION: haven't opened a U.K. version of the game to get info
Image not available. CBS Electronics N/A None   German edition; blue text and artwork; need part number, origin, etc.

A total of two Venture overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Venture Overlay (Coleco) Coleco N/A None   Custom overlay designed by Psycho Stormtrooper
Venture Overlay (Reaper 7628-1A) Reaper 7628-1A None   Part of the CBS Overlay Pack (2017)

A total of three Venture label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Venture Label (Coleco) Coleco N/A 1982 U.S.A. Standard black label; game logo upside down on edge; word wraps: Incorpo-, Intellivi-, Sears, of, 1982, York
Image not available. CBS Electronics CI 241703 1983 England English text on label (this one found in an International Edition box); has another (part?) number: 4L 2281
Image not available. CBS Electronics ???? 1983 England NEED CONFIRMATION: haven't opened a U.K. boxed version of the game to see what its label looks like; English text on label

Title Screen Title screen for Venture.
Game Selection *yawn*
Level One: Red Hallways Hallway view for Level One.
Level One: Room Close-up A room on Level One.
Level Complete: Bonuses Bonus!
Treasure Screen Loot progress report.
Level Two: Blue Hallways Hallways for ... Level Two!
Level Two: Close-up A room from Level Two.
Level Three: Yellow Hallways You're never gonna guess.... Hallway view for Level Three!
Level Three: Close-up - Lamp Room The Lamp Room on Level Three.

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!