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. . . .

Jan. 2025: |
5-11under at VideoGamePCBs announced two new games to ring in the new year: Which Way? and Zig-Zag Zip-Zap |
Oct. 2024: |
Please visit Rick Reynolds' 2024 Extra Life campaign and make a generous donation. It's a great cause. And Rick promises this year to have a solid 12 hours of Sharp Shot and Carnival exclusively on day 2! Monitor the stream here. If it's not actually happening, double your donation and it might! |
Jun. 2017: |
Terribly sad news. Keith Robinson has died. Rest in Peace. |
Aug. 2016: |
Download LTO Flash! User Interface Software here! |
Aug. 2016: |
The release of LTO Flash! has been officially announced! One place to see information is here. Ordering details available in one week! |
May 2014: |
The Intellivision Flashback is available for preorder at Toys R Us! Scheduled for release on October 1, 2014. |
Aug. 2002: |
The PlayCable page is up! |
Jul. 2001: |
The Mattel Electronics MTE 100 Intellivision Tester! |

Download the LTO Flash! User Interface Software here,
as well as links to documentation. |
Game reviews, variants, Easter eggs and
other info appear here. |
Initial effort brings Gosub to the Intellivision! |
Long-time PCB provider for many, many Intellivision games has published a game, too! |
Though off to a slow start for the Intellivision,
a majority of their games were excellent. (7 Titles) |
Sadly, Atarisoft didn't come on the scene until the
end. All titles were well-executed ports of arcade games. (3 Titles) |
Bandai released a subset of the original Mattel titles
in Japan, as well as the console. |
Blue Sky Rangers, Inc. has a few surprises for us! |
Blah Blah Woof Woof (BBWW) Music and Media published
its first title at PRGE 2015 under the ©®@P™ label. |
European-market releases of Coleco's games. |
Initial offerings were substandard, but improved
towards the end. All titles were ports of arcade games. (8 Titles) |
Active homebrew publisher for several platforms entered
the Intellivision market in 2014.
France-based developer targeting Intellivision since 2019.
Demonstration cartridges to entice you into
buying an Intellivision system. All known demonstration cartridges were
released by Mattel. (4 Versions) |
After Mattel closed up shop, including their development
house in France, Nice Ideas / Dextell released two titles through INTV Corp. (2 Titles) |
Digiplay/Digimed repackaged and rereleased
Intellivision games from Mattel, Activision, and Imagic in Brazil.
Best materials are to be found here. |
A secretive developer who creates well-made ports of various classic games
that work surprisingly well on Intellivision! |
Founded in 2005, Elektronite's mission is to
establish a thriving Intellivision cartridge market with top-notch materials and high-profile titles. |
Once you compare Intellivision Desert Bus to the Atari version,
you'll know which platform provides the ultimate in bus simulators! |
Good Deal Games / Homebrew Heaven has various Intellivision games in stock - and offers their own titles as well! |
The most prolific 3rd party vendor for
Intellivision. Generally produced high-quality product. Games were all
original titles, but many were "inspired by" arcade games. (14 Titles) |
Repackaged versions of various Intellivision games
from Brazil. |
Founded in 2004, Intelligentvision's mission was to
bring previously unreleased titles to cartridge format. Happily, they also brought several
new original titles along the way! |
Top-notch games made with all new materials, ROMs, and more! Proudly Canadian! |
Repackaged versions of original Mattel titles. |
This revolution will be intellivised. |
Small company that released a pair of games late
in the game. (2 Titles) |
Initially released titles developed, but not shipped, by Mattel.
Followed with generally impressive upgrades of sports titles, a few arcade ports, and
some original games. (21 Titles) |
Italy has its own Intellivision game publisher! |
Spain's very own MSX and Sega Genesis / Megadrive publisher now delivers for the Intellivision, too! |
Great software and hardware for the Intellivision! |
Originator of the Intellivision. (61 Titles) |
Except for Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, all
of Parker Brothers' games were reasonably well-done ports of arcade games. (6 Titles) |
Sears repackaged Mattel titles and released them under
the Sears Tele-Games label. |
Creator of the IntelliCart cartridge emulator and its sequel,
the CuttleCart 3. |
Latecomer on the Intellivision scene. One quite
rare title released. (1 Title) |
Test and diagnostic software. At least two notably
different versions exist, though other variants have been found. INTV Corp.
also re-released the Mattel test cartridge. |
Released the first ever Intellivision homebrew! (1 Title) |
Memorabilia, modern-era Intellivision software,
and other miscellaneous mumbo-jumbo. Yeah, some of it's not software. Deal with it. |
This listing preserves packaging variations. An exhaustive list of software (released
and not) can be found in the Intellivision FAQ Cartridge List.
Many fellow Intellivision fans have contributed images to this site. (Sometimes
unwittingly :) Where such contributions appear, credit is given.

We had one of the earliest releases of the Intellivision
consoles, an original 2609, because I remember
distinctly that the picture on the box for Space Battle was wrong.
I also believe that it had a blurb for U.S.A.C. Auto Racing - but
that license must have fallen through. In any case, we played
that Intellivision so much that by February of 1981 (we got it
for Christmas in 1980) we had let the smoke out of it [1], and it stopped working.
Sadly, the replacement we got for it doesn't work any more.
Currently, the sound / controller chip is in one of my Sears
Super Video Arcade units. One of the I/O ports has an internal short between two pins, affecting
the left controller.
I got my Intellivision System III back in 1986 or so - perhaps
1987, but lost the box and manual somewhere in my college
years. I've picked up other things more recently (the last 7 years or so), and they all
appear on my hardware page.
Click on this link to see my Intellivision hardware and add-ons
collection. Click on this link for my listing of Intellivision console variations.

The Overlays Thumbnail Page shows
the principal Intellivision overlays in thumbnail images, with
the requisite "click to enlarge" behavior. It also has
links to further pages showing all the variations I have in my
collection, and some that I don't.
For the bandwidth-challenged, or those who
would rather just see a text list, the Overlays Table Page may be better.
- [1]who let
the smoke out?
- In case you didn't know, all electronic devices operate
using smoke. You can prove this quite simply - if you let
the smoke out of any electronic device, there is
an incredibly high likelihood that it will no longer work.
If it does still work, then there is still enough smoke
left in it for it to continue operating.