Shark Shark Overlay - Shore is purdy! Intellivision Overlays

Intellivision Games
Game Info & Reviews

Mattel Electronics
INTV Corporation
Blue Sky Rangers, Inc.
Parker Brothers
Dextell, Ltd.
  2600 Connection
  Blah Blah Woof Woof
  Côté Gamers
  Dr. Ports
  Freewheeling Games
  Good Deal Games
  Homebrew, Inc.
  Intellivision Collector
  Intellivision Revolution
  Left Turn Only
  Zbiciak Electronics
Intellivision, Inc.
CBS Electronics

Mattel Electronics
INTV Corporation
GTE Sylvania

Text Table
Mattel Electronics
INTV Corporation
Dextell, Ltd.
Intellivision, Inc.

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Contact INTV Funhouse

This is my attempt to catalog all variations of the overlays for games made and released for the Intellivision system. Also included are custom overlays I've reproduced or created myself. These are indicated as such.

Note: Images are shown only for overlays scanned in from my personal collection unless otherwise noted.

Any slot in this table that does not contain an image is therefore an item missing from my collection - and thus, I am interested in getting it. Visit the various pages to view all variations of overlays that may exist - only the first or most popular variations have thumbnails in the table below. I have discovered other variations by carefully examining what I've got in my collection and digging through web sites (like the overlays section in the Intellivillage at Tomorrow's Heroes, or SteveR's overlay page).

Note: The table below does show the complete list of overlays! To see larger images all the overlays for a particular grouping at once - including variations, click on the name in the left-most column.

To see a close-up of an individual overlay, just click on the small image.

Mattel Electronics
Action Network Armor Battle Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Frog Bog Lock 'n' Chase Night Stalker Sea Battle Shark! Shark! Sharp Shot SNAFU Space Armada Space Battle Sub Hunt Triple Action Tron Deadly Discs Tron Maze-A-Tron
Sports Network Auto Racing Boxing Major League Baseball NASL Soccer NBA Basketball NFL Football NHL Hockey PBA Bowling PGA Golf Tennis U.S. Ski Team Skiing
1983 Releases (No Network) Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: The Treasure of Tarmin Bump 'n' Jump BurgerTime Buzz Bombers Kool-Aid Man Loco-Motion Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man Mission X Motocross Pinball
Entertainment Computer System Software The Jetsons' Ways with Words Melody Blaster Mind Strike Mr. Basic Meets Bits 'N Bytes Scooby Doo's Maze Chase World Series Major League Baseball
Strategy Network ABPA Backgammon Checkers Reversi U.S.C.F. Chess Utopia
Space Network Astrosmash Space Armada Space Battle Space Hawk Star Strike
Gaming Network Horse Racing Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack Las Vegas Roulette Royal Dealer
IntelliVoice Software B-17 Bomber Bomb Squad Space Spartans Tron Solar Sailer
Children's Learning Network The Electric Company Math Fun The Electric Company Word Fun
Arcade Network Vectron
Imagic Atlantis Beauty & the Beast Demon Attack Dracula Dragonfire Fathom Ice Trek Microsurgeon (left) Nova Blast Safecracker Swords & Serpents (right) Tropical Trouble Truckin' White Water!
Intellivision, Inc.
Intellivision, Inc. Auto Racing Big League Baseball Bump 'n' Jump Buzz Bombers Horse Racing Motocross Pinball
Activision Beamrider The Dreadnaught Factor Happy Trails Pitfall! River Raid Stampede Worm Whomper
Dextell, Ltd. (Nice Ideas)
Dextell, Ltd. (Nice Ideas) Championship Tennis World Cup Soccer
Interphase Blockade Runner Sewer Sam
INTV Corporation
INTV Corporation World Championship Baseball
Coleco Mouse Trap