INTV Funhouse Intellivision FAQ (HTML version) Next

Intellivision Games
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Mattel Electronics
INTV Corporation
Blue Sky Rangers, Inc.
Parker Brothers
Dextell, Ltd.
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  Zbiciak Electronics
Intellivision, Inc.
CBS Electronics

Mattel Electronics
INTV Corporation
GTE Sylvania

Text Table
Mattel Electronics
INTV Corporation
Dextell, Ltd.
Intellivision, Inc.

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This is the classic, ancient Intellivision FAQ by Larry Anderson, spiffed up into some HTML. I've also fixed typos here and there, put links in for email addresses, and done some formatting - no substantive content has been added or removed (with one exception), nor have email addresses been checked, et. al.

The exception to the "no changes" blurb is that I did provide input voltage to the computer adapter power supply in the Entertainment Computer System section. Note that for units released in Europe and Australia, these voltages should be 220V or 240V 50Hz 17 Watts.

In the "Unreleased Software" list, comments in green italics were added.

Much of this information is now published at the Intellivision Lives! site.

Most of the links in section 6.0 are broken now (link rot).

Intellivision FAQ

Version 5.5 - August 3rd, 1996
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Larry Anderson

All rights reserved. This document may be copied, in whole or in part, by any means provided the copyright and contributors sections remain intact and no fee is charged for the information. Contributors retain the copyright to their individual contributions.

The data herein is provided for informational purposes only. No warranty is made with regards to the accuracy of this information.

These people, either knowingly or unknowingly, helped contribute information to this FAQ:

John Bindel Jeff Bogumil James Carter Greg Chance
Jeff Coleburn John Dullea Clint Dyer Allan Hammill
Ed Hornchek William Howald Joe Huber Jerry Greiner
Sean Kelly Ken Kirkby Galen Komatsu Ralph Linne
Matthew Long Doug M William Moeller Craig Pell (VGR)
Russ Perry Jr. Robert Poniatowski David Tipton Paul Thurrott
Keith Robinson Steven Roode Joe Santulli Laury Scott
Lee K. Seitz Chris Williams Jeremy Wilson  

With all of the recently renewed interest in the Intellivision (geez, there's even talk of a fanzine!!). I thought it was a good time for me to repost the Intellivision FAQ. I'm currently working on an HTML version, complete with pictures! Stay tuned here for more details...

Items that STILL need help are:

  • More historical information: Dates, people, places, etc...
  • A list of dealers and/or private parties that regularly sell Intellivision games/hardware (I've just about given up on this one =))
  • More information regarding the people responsible for forming INTV Corp, as well as dates and the like.
  • More game tips and Easter eggs!!
  • Internet resources (web pages, FTP sites, and video game related BBSs)
  • BBSs that may have video-game related information
  • Catalog numbers for titles released under the Sears Tele-Games label (still need names and #'s for quite a few of the titles...)

If you have any additions, corrections, comments, flames, or pats on the back, please mail them to me at Contributors will get their names immortalized in the credits, as well as a warm and fuzzy feeling =)

Table Of Contents:

1.0) General Information
       1.1 - A Brief History of the Mattel Intellivision
       1.2 - Timeline

2.0) Technical Information
       2.1 - General Hardware Specs
       2.2 - Processor Specs
       2.3 - Graphics Specs
       2.4 - Operating System Specs

3.0) Hardware Descriptions
       3.1  - Intellivision Master Component
       3.2  - Sears Super Video Arcade
       3.3  - Radio Shack Tandyvision One
       3.4  - Sylvania Intellivision
       3.5  - IntelliVoice Voice Synthesis Module
       3.6  - Intellivision II
       3.7  - INTV System III
       3.8  - Computer Adapter
       3.9  - Entertainment Computer System
       3.10 - Music Synthesizer
       3.11 - System Changer
       3.12 - Joystick Substitutes
       3.13 - Compro Electronic Videoplexer
       3.14 - PlayCable

4.0) Cartridge Listing
       4.1 - Released Titles
       4.2 - Unreleased (or rumored) titles
       4.3 - Unreleased (or rumored) titles for the ECS
       4.4 - Unreleased titles for the original Computer Exp. Module
       4.5.1 - Easter Eggs, Cheats and Tips
       4.5.2 - Information regarding Unreleased Titles & Hardware
       4.6 - Information regarding Label & Box Variations

5.0) Vaporware, Trivia, and Miscellany
       5.1 - Intellivision III
       5.2 - INTV Corp. Games
       5.3 - Trivia and Fun Facts

6.0) Electronic Resources, Books and Magazines
       6.1 - Internet and BBS Resources
       6.2 - Books
       6.3 - Magazines

7.0) Repair Information
       7.1 - Hand Controllers
       7.2 - Cartridge Problems
       7.3 - Console Disassembly
       7.4 - General Troubleshooting
       7.5 - Pinouts for INTV Controller
       7.6 - Fixing INTV II Controllers
       7.7 - You've really messed up and are wondering what to do....

8.0) Programmer Interviews
       8.1 - Daniel Bass
       8.2 - Ray Kaestner
       8.3 - Patrick Jost

| Larry Anderson -               | 
| Classic Games Collector with a bug for information =) | 
** Need the FAQ's on the Intellivision??  E-Mail me for details!  ** 
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