Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Great WWF-style action. This is a fun(ny) game.

Body Slam! Super Pro WrestlingGraphics: 5
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 4
Notes: 0- 1- or 2-player game; Easter Egg
Screen Shots

I recall seeing Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling hanging on the wall at Toys 'R' Us 'Back In The Day'. One of my best friends worked at 'Toys' at the time, and I recall stopping in and ridiculing all those wacky 'Super Pro' games. Of course, I was in college at the time and didn't have much money to dish out on games any more. Silly me! Body Slam! is actually a very funny game, and quite a lot of fun, too. The graphics are charming, and the names of the various wrestlers are hilarious. One of the best statistics describing each wrestler is his Ego rating. The higher the rating, the more likely the wrestler is to stand around and gloat after a good move. The word balloons that pop up during the match are great, too. You can throw your opponent out of the ring, and tag-team matches can be played as well. If only the game supported the four-controller mode possible w/ the ECS, you'd have a great party game!

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box No variations have been found.
Manual No variations have been found.
Overlays Custom overlays have been designed and distributed by Psycho Stormtrooper.
Label Typical INTV Corporation size variations may occur. To date, two labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs Two Easter eggs exist - credits and a special message.

Only one version of the box has been found for Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling Box (INTV Corporation 9009) INTV Corporation 9009 None U.S.A. UPC barcode on bottom flap, but no game title

Only one version of the manual has been found for Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling Manual (INTV Corporation 9009) INTV Corporation 9009 None   Map-style folding

A total of two Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Image not available. Psycho Stormtrooper 9009-W None   Custom overlay designed by Psycho Stormtrooper
Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling Overlay (Intellivision Productions) Intellivision Productions N/A None   Part of the Supplemental Overlay Pack for Intellivision Flashback; reissue of the Orphan Overlay by Psycho Stormtrooper; note the addition of the Intellivision Productions copyright and modified Psycho Stormtrooper logo

A total of two Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Image not available. INTV Corporation N/A None   Large label, square corners; large BODY SLAM text, smaller SUPER PRO WRESTLING beneath; submitted by Hankster
Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling Label (INTV Corporation) INTV Corporation N/A None   Small label, rounded corners; large BODY SLAM text, smaller SUPER PRO WRESTLING beneath

Title Screen Title screen for Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling.
Select Fighters Gotta love the colorful names they dreamt up for these fighters.
Oooh, Baby! IntelliPorn Ummm... OK. Guess it fits right in with the whole WWF scene. No, that's not World Wildlife Fund, younglings—it used to be the World Wrestling Federation.
This is the kind of violence that ruins our society! We are polluting the minds of our youth with gratuitous sex and violence! The word balloons take the cake. It would have been interesting to have this be a game augmented by IntelliVoice. Even better is when a high-ego player struts around after a good move.

Title Screen Credits Easter Egg

Credit: The official Intellivision Lives! site

Press Reset: You must be at the title screen
Either Controller: Press [0] and hold
Easter Egg: Credits for the game scroll by:

Game Credits

Hidden Message Easter Egg

Credit: The official Intellivision Lives! site

Left Controller: Press and hold: [2], [3] simultaneously
Right Controller: Press and hold: [2], [6] simultaneously
Press Reset
Easter Egg: See a special message from one of the developers to his family:

Special Message

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