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the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!
Possibly the best Intellivision game of all!
 | Graphics: 5
Sound: 5
Replay Value: 5
Notes: 1- or 2-player game
Screen Shots |
BurgerTime was, possibly, the first real smash hit for the
Intellivision. It even took over as the pack-in game on the Intellivision II,
displacing Lock 'n' Chase and Astrosmash. Sadly, it came at the beginning of the
end. You could say that it's not really technically much better than the Lock
'n' Chase or Bump 'n' Jump adaptations. The distinguishing factor, though, is
that BurgerTime was also a hit in the arcades, unlike those others, and
it had much better, more original game play than those games.
I'm not sure just how many screens the arcade version had, but the Inty
version has quite a few - at least five, I believe - perhaps more. The graphics
are excellent - Peter Pepper is well rendered, as are the baddies. The sound
is absolutely dead-on, with that catchy background loop music and superb sound
effects. The animations are smooth and flicker-free. It's just flippin'
No ROM variants have been identified. |
Box |
So far, nine variations have been found. |
Manual |
Ten variants have been identified. |
Overlays |
Four different overlay variations are known to exist. |
Label |
To date, eight labels have been recorded. |
Easter Eggs |
No Easter Eggs have been found. |
A total of nine BurgerTime box variants have been documented.
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0910 |
1983 |
Singapore |
Possibly initial version—has gatefold box; plastic tray |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0210-G1 |
1983 |
Origin is not printed on box, but generic copyright info printed on bottom flap; opens on bottom flap—not flip-top style box; has barcode on back |
Image not available. |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0210-G1 |
1983 |
Singapore |
Possibly first revision of flip-top style; reported by BSRSteve |
Mattel Electronics |
4549 |
1983 |
French-Canadian; trayless socket; no specific part number visible; no info on top or bottom flaps of box - instead, it's inside the box; the socket for the cartridge is offset to the bottom portion of the interior rather than centered, and is different from the 'trayless pocket' |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0318 |
1983 |
Hong Kong |
International Edition; plastic tray; specific part number is on tabs of top and bottom box flaps; French copyright info on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom; English, German, Italian, Spanish and French text on back of box |
Intellivision Inc. |
4549-0210 |
1983 |
Singapore |
Standard Intellivision, Inc. box; bottom flap has full Mattel part number; also has © 1982 Data East USA, Inc. on back |
Digiplay |
N/A |
1983 |
Brazil |
Digimed version; 'Rua Acará' printed (and sticker) on box; Mattel Eletronics logo on box; no part number or copyright apparent; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate slots as in an IntelliVoice game box; NOTE: both Digiplay and Digimed versions exist; hat-tip: Steve Jones |
Image not available. |
Digiplay |
N/A |
1983 |
Brazil |
Digiplay version; 'Rua Acará' address printed on back; Mattel Eletronics logo on box; no part number or copyright apparent; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate slots as in an IntelliVoice game box; NOTE: both Digiplay and Digimed versions exist; hat-tip: Steve Jones |
Image not available. |
Digiplay |
N/A |
1983 |
Brazil |
Digiplay version; 'Av. Açaí' address printed on back; Mattel Eletronics logo on box; no part number or copyright apparent; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate slots as in an IntelliVoice game box; NOTE: both Digiplay and Digimed versions exist; hat-tip: Steve Jones |
Here's a comparison of the backs of the book-style and bottom-flap style boxes.

Back of the common bottom-flap style of box

Back of the book-style box
A total of ten BurgerTime manual variants have been documented.
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0920 |
1983 |
U.S.A. |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0920 |
1983 |
Hong Kong |
Mattel Electronics |
4540-0920 |
1983 |
Canada |
French-Canadian; note erroneous part number |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0018 |
1983 |
Hong Kong |
International Edition; English, German, Italian, Spanish and French |
Image not available. |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0018 |
1983 |
Mexico |
Spanish (Mexico) version; localized title: HAMBURGUESA; note the same part number as the International release; reported by Rev |
Image not available. |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0151 |
1983 |
Swedish version; title is BURGER TIME; NEED DETAILS |
Mattel Electronics |
N/A |
1983 |
U.S.A. |
NOTE: no part number on front or back; found in box of PlayCable manuals (though many were standard manuals)—so the natural question is: was this a PlayCable manual? |
Intellivision Inc. |
4549-0920 |
1982 |
U.S.A. |
Accordion-style folding; 1982 is from the Data East USA, Inc. copyright info on front cover; seems to use the cover art from the Mattel International Edition, with some of the U.S. release mixed in |
Digiplay |
N/A |
1979 |
Brazil |
Mattel/Digiplay edition; has © M.I. 1979 on back cover; has 'Rua Acará' address printed on back, with 'Av. Açaí' sticker |
Image not available. |
Digiplay |
N/A |
1979 |
Brazil |
Mattel/Digiplay edition; has © M.I. 1979 on back cover; has 'Av. Açaí' address printed on back |
A total of four BurgerTime overlay variants have been documented.
Mattel Electronics |
4549-4289-G1 |
1982 |
U.S.A. |
Most commonly found 'original' version |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-4289-G2 |
1982 |
U.S.A. |
Note the addition of the ENTER button and consequently relocated graphics; have spotted in Mattel international copies and Intellivision, Inc. copies |
Digiplay |
N/A |
1982 |
Localized in Brazilian Portuguese; technically, two versions exist—some on standard materials, some on plastic-coated paper |
Image not available. |
Digiplay |
N/A |
1982 |
No copyright; not localized; found in some Digiplay copies |
For whatever reason, it was deemed important enough to revise the overlay
to show the ENTER button. This resulted in the egg graphic being relocated.
Has anyone seen an overlay that is not rev. G1 or G2 (other than
the Brazilian release)? The two Digiplay overlays I have are made using different
processes. One seems to be the more common method of laminated paper (or I'm
just getting knock-offs), while the other is made of traditional materials.
A total of eight BurgerTime label variants have been documented.
Mattel Electronics |
N/A |
1982 |
U.S.A. |
Origin lower center; © M.I. 1982 lower left; © 1982 Data East U.S.A., Inc. lower right; ™ upper right; smaller label, rounded corners |
Mattel Electronics |
N/A |
1982 |
Hong Kong |
Origin lower center; © M.I. 1982 lower left; © 1982 Data East U.S.A., Inc. lower right; ™ upper right; has BurgerTime logo rather than plain block letters as most other labels did |
Mattel Electronics |
N/A |
1982 |
Singapore |
Origin lower center; © M.I. 1982 lower left; © 1982 Data East U.S.A., Inc. lower right; ™ upper right; smaller label, rounded corners |
Mattel Electronics |
N/A |
1982 |
Singapore |
Origin lower center; © M.I. 1982 lower left; © 1982 Data East U.S.A., Inc. lower right; ™ upper right; larger label, square corners |
Image not available. |
Mattel Electronics |
N/A |
1982 |
Korea |
Origin lower center; © M.I. 1982 lower left; © 1982 Data East U.S.A., Inc. lower right; ™ upper right; smaller label, rounded corners |
Mattel Electronics |
4549-0341 |
1982 |
Odd black & white label with no origin, but with a part number; © M.I. 1982 lower left; © 1982 Data East U.S.A., Inc. lower right; ™ upper right; large label, square corners; has the BurgerTime logo |
Intellivision Inc. |
N/A |
1983 |
Singapore |
Origin lower right; © I.I. 1983 to left of origin; ™ small, centered vertically on right edge; smaller label, rounded corners; also has © 1982 Data East U.S.A., Inc. upper left |
Digiplay |
N/A |
1982 |
No origin; © Mattel Inc. 1982 lower right; © 1982 Data East Inc. lower left; ™ upper right; large yellow label, rounded corners; title in red letters, standard sans-serif font |
The odd black & white label with the crisp BurgerTime logo on it is of
indeterminate origin. It seems to be the template used for the U.S.A. and
Hong Kong labels that I've seen. The print quality is high, and the paper seems
to be aged enough to come from 'back in the day'. Is this a homemade
sticker? The label isn't the standard size, but it does have a Mattel part
number on it. To date, I've only seen this and two other labels like it:
Mission X and Buzz Bombers. Was this stock from when Intellivision, Inc.
tried to avoid shipping games in boxes? Can anyone out there shed light on this?
Title screen for BurgerTime. |
Little touches like the transition screens, in which the nasties get closer and closer to Peter Pepper the fewer lives are left, are one of the things that make this game great. |
For all the time I've spent playing this game, I couldn't tell you how many different levels there are. I'd think at least five. Honestly, what's not to like about this game? |
If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please
send a message!