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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

You shoot stuff.

CarnivalGraphics: 2
Sound: 2
Replay Value: 1
Notes: 1- or 2-player game. Never tripped my trigger. (Ooh, a bad pun!) Does not work on Intellivision II.
Screen Shots

Move and shoot. Not much here. Carnival does offer a nice variety of colors, but that's about all I can say for this game. I've never been able to get into this game at all. It just seems lame. Sure, it's not really any different than Space Invaders at a basic level, but it just doesn't work for me. I never played this game enough to find out if it has the 'bonus' screen where you shoot the target on the bear. The sad thing is that on the Atari VCS, Imagic decided to make a clone–Shootin' Gallery. I'm glad they never got around to porting that one to the Intellivision.

ROM It's been reported that a ROM variant exists.
Box So far, seven variations have been found.
Manual Seven variants have been identified.
Overlays Custom overlays have been designed and distributed by Psycho Stormtrooper.
Label Beige and of black cartridge cases have been noted. To date, seven labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

A total of seven Carnival box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Carnival Box (Coleco 2488) Coleco 2488 1982 U.S.A. Has 'PLAYS LIKE THE REAL ARCADE GAME' text; standard 'Intellivision' banner; small top flaps have proof of purchase w/ part number on one and date of manufacture on the other
Carnival Box (Coleco 2488) Coleco 2488 1982 U.S.A. Has artwork next to picture of arcade machine; standard 'Intellivision®' banner; small top flaps have proof of purchase w/ part number on one and date of manufacture on the other; has barcode on back; 'NOT FOR USE WITH INTELLIVISION®II' sticker on front
Carnival Box (Coleco R56425) Coleco R56425 1982 Canada French-Canadian; has 'PLAYS LIKE THE REAL ARCADE GAME' text; standard 'Intellivision' banner; part number was hidden on internal flap on bottom (found because it's a mashed-up box)
Carnival Box (CBS Electronics 7630-7R1<br>ICI 244503) CBS Electronics 7630-7R1
ICI 244503
1983 England International edition; submitted by Hankster; main tab of top flap has additional part number 60.244503.68; main tab of bottom flap has part number 3P4091; proof of purchase also uses the ICI 244503 number
Carnival Box (CBS Electronics 7630-7A) CBS Electronics 7630-7A 1983 Holland U.K. edition with bear holding target and flying duck
Carnival Box (CBS Electronics 7630-7 D) CBS Electronics 7630-7 D 1983 Holland German edition; artwork shows bear and birds flying at observer; submitted by Hankster
Image not available. CBS Electronics N/A None   NEED DETAILS; German edition; artwork shows bear holding target birds flying duck

Reportedly, a ROM variant was released (Europe only?) that fixed the 'Intellivision II' bug. This version may come in beige case, rather than the black one. I have a copy in a beige case that has a label that lists Intellivision II (see Labels section) but it's not reliably playable on an Intellivision II. I can get it to work by jiggling the cartridge a little, but it never works on a simple reset. This also seems to work with the other copies I have in the more common black case, with the standard label that does not mention Intellivision II.

A total of seven Carnival manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Carnival Manual (Coleco 78092) Coleco 78092 1982 U.S.A. Note IntelliVision (upper-case 'V')
Carnival Manual (Coleco 78092B) Coleco 78092B 1982 U.S.A. Note IntelliVision (upper-case 'V')
Carnival Manual (Coleco 91858) Coleco 91858 1982 U.S.A. Lists that the game can be used with Intellivision II on the front cover; note Intellivision spelled with lower-case 'v'
Carnival Manual (Coleco 56696) Coleco 56696 1982 Canada French-Canadian release with English and French as a single back-to-back manual, flip over to view other language; note IntelliVision (upper-case 'V')
Carnival Manual (CBS Electronics 2L2055<br>60.244503.71) CBS Electronics 2L2055
1983   International edition; no origin printed on the manual; monochrome blue / grayscale
Carnival Manual (CBS Electronics 2L 1916) CBS Electronics 2L 1916 1983   English edition; no origin printed on the manual
Image not available. CBS Electronics N/A None   German edition; blue text and artwork; need part number, origin, etc.

Several revisions were made to the Carnival manual for the English-language version. The ones I've spotted so far appear below. The most interesting one actually lists the Intellivision II on its cover, and has instructions for use with the Intellivision II. See the ROMS section for more info. Note also that the capitalization of Intellivision is corrected - from 'IntelliVision' to 'Intellivision'.

In rev. B, the bear shown on page 2 had a more nicely painted target than in the original and later Intellivision II revision. The Intellivision II version also has the 'GETTING READY TO PLAY' text relocated from page 3 in the first two revisions to the bottom half of page 2.

Original Manual - Page 2 (Bear)

Original Bear

Revision B - Page 2 (Bear)

Revised Bear (nicer target)

Intellivision II Revision - Page 2

Intellivision II revision

In rev. B, the instructions for inserting the cartridge became more explicit. Were users really that dense? The 'Inty 2' revision also has instructions for using the game on the Intellivision II console.

Original Manual - Page 3

Original (page 3)

Revision B - Page 3

Revision B (page 3)
(note revised cartridge insertion instructions)

Intellivision II Revision - Page 3

Intellivision II version (p. 3)
(note expanded illustrations)

The colors changed for steps 1, 2, and 3 to emphasize the topic of each step, and the Inty 2 version shows pictures for both types of controllers. You know, they were so different that it's easy to see why people were confused by the Intellivision II controller. The color scheme went back to the original version, too.

Original Manual - Page 4

Original Step-By-Step
(page 4)

Revision B - Page 4

Revised Step-By-Step
(page 4)

Intellivision II Revision - Page 4

Revised Step-By-Step
(page 4)
(includes Intellivision II illustrations)

The list of targets you can shoot was rearranged between the original and 'B' and 'Inty 2' versions to make room for a more detailed reminder about running out of bullets. Also, the NOTE text was changed to be green instead of black.

Original Manual - Page 5

Original Step 2 (page 5)

Revised Manual - Page 5

Revised Step 2 (page 5)

The 90-Day Warranty was drastically overhauled.

Original Manual - Page 7

Original Warranty (page 7)

Revised Manual - Page 7

Revised Warranty (page 7)

The back cover was the continuation of the warranty text, and was therefore also changed. Revision B and the Inty 2 revision have the same warranty text, but the copyright info was changed at the bottom. Specifically, the reference to the Sears Super Video Arcade was removed. They also changed the capitalization of Intellivision from the incorrect 'IntelliVision' the the correct 'Intellivision'.

Original Manual - Back Cover

Original (back))

Revision B Manual - Back Cover

Revision B (back)

Intellivision II Revision - Back Cover

Intellivision II Revision

A total of two Carnival overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Carnival Overlay (Coleco) Coleco N/A None   Custom overlay designed by Psycho Stormtrooper
Carnival Overlay (Reaper 7630-7R1) Reaper 7630-7R1 None   Part of the CBS Overlay Pack (2017)

A total of seven Carnival label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Carnival Label (Coleco) Coleco N/A 1982 U.S.A. Standard black label; game logo upside down on edge; word wraps: of, Enter-, of, a, Printed, 1982, York
Carnival Label (Coleco) Coleco N/A 1982 U.S.A. Found on tan cartridge case; claims the game works with Intellivision II as well - so it's either a ROM variant or an early release prior to discovery of the incompatibility with Intellivision II; glossy black label; game logo right side up on edge; word wraps: of, Enter-, of, 1982, York
Carnival Label (Coleco) Coleco N/A 1982 U.S.A. English label from a French-Canadian copy; standard black label; game logo upside down on edge; word wraps: of, Enter-, of, Coleco, Montréal
Carnival Label (Coleco) Coleco N/A 1982 Canada French version from French-Canadian copy of game
Carnival Label (CBS Electronics 4L2279<br>CI 244503) CBS Electronics 4L2279
CI 244503
1983 England International label with U.K. English
Carnival Label (CBS Electronics 4L2279<br>CI 244503) CBS Electronics 4L2279
CI 244503
1983 England International U.K. label from an eBay auction by vintage-vermin; appears to be variation of the label included in multi-lingual box (note different placement of CI 244503)
Carnival Label (CBS Electronics 4L2159) CBS Electronics 4L2159 1983 England Standard U.K. label

Title Screen Coleco's ever-so-fancy title screen.
Fire Away! Actually, this isn't all that bad.

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!