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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Nicely executed sequel to the excellent BurgerTime game by Data East.

DinerGraphics: 4
Sound: 5
Replay Value: 5
Notes: 1- or 2-player game; Easter Egg
Screen Shots

Diner is an awesome game! As far as I have seen, the screen scrolling between levels is unique to this game on the Intellivision. As a sequel to BurgerTime, it's wonderful. The soundtrack is just as catchy as BurgerTime's, and seems to be a natural - it preserves the feel. The graphics are pretty good, but I do wish the food balls had some more variety to them. Game play seems tougher than BurgerTime - it's difficult to tell if you can sneak around a baddie. The gameplay field is a 3-D environment (e.g. you can sneak behind baddies sometimes), and as an M.C. Escher-esque feel. This game is LOTS of fun! Best Score: 265100 (Level 15) [Start: Level 1]

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box No variations have been found.
Manual No variations have been found.
Overlays Steve Orth and Psycho Stormtrooper have both designed custom overlays.
Label No variations have been found.
Easter Eggs Two Easter eggs exist - credits and a (weak) in-game egg.

Only one version of the box has been found for Diner.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Diner Box (INTV Corporation 8800) INTV Corporation 8800 None   UPC barcode on bottom flap, but no game title; no origin or copyright date

Only one version of the manual has been found for Diner.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Diner Manual (INTV Corporation 8800) INTV Corporation 8800 None   Accordion-style folding

A total of two Diner overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Image not available. INTV Corporation N/A None   Custom overlay designed by Steven A. Orth
Image not available. INTV Corporation N/A None   Custom overlay designed by Psycho Stormtrooper

Only one version of the label has been found for Diner.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Diner Label (INTV Corporation) INTV Corporation N/A None   Large label, square corners; game title in a non-standard font—same as the 'For 1 or 2 Players' text on the front of the box

Title Screen Title screen for Diner.
Yum! Kick Food Balls onto Customers' Plates! Escher-esque game world is 3-D. It would have been even cooler if you could have entered into the areas that look like tunnels. The scrolling between levels is really cool, as are the nifty elevators and other goodies that come up as you progress.

Title Screen Credits Easter Egg

Credit: The official Intellivision Lives! site

Press Reset: You must be at the title screen
Either Controller: Press [0] and hold
Easter Egg: Credits for the game scroll by:

Game Credits

Developer Reference In-Game Easter Egg?

Credit: INTV Funhouse

At some points in the game, you'll notice that the restaurant sign shows "Ray's" as the name of the eatery. Is this a referral to Ray Kaestner, one of the original BurgerTime developers as well as one of Diner's developers?

Ray Kaestner Egg?

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!