Demon Attack

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

A classic not only on the Atari VCS, but the Intellivision as well.

Demon AttackGraphics: 5
Sound: 4
Replay Value: 4
Notes: 1- or 2-player game
Screen Shots

Demon Attack is by all measures a Classic. It's much more than an adaptation of the Atari VCS classic. Some of the smoothest animation I've ever seen on the Intellivision - especially the Tentacled Terrorists. But, this also seems to be one of the buggiest Intellivision games I've ever played. Many games end with a lockup, or stick with sprites scrolling in a fixed pattern and all other motion stopping (e.g. missile or demon wraps around forever). Best Score: 40321 [Game 1]

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box So far, four variations have been found.
Manual Five variants have been identified.
Overlays No variations have been found.
Label To date, four labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

A total of four Demon Attack box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Demon Attack Box (Imagic 710005-1 Rev. A) Imagic 710005-1 Rev. A 1982 U.S.A. Cover art uses chrome dinosaurs with rockets mounted on them; standard black tray with cardboard backing; has game name and catalog number on top; game title on silver background on spine
Demon Attack Box (Imagic 710005-1 Rev. B) Imagic 710005-1 Rev. B 1982 U.S.A. Cover art uses cooler leathery 'space pterodactyl' painting from centerfold of manual; standard black tray with cardboard backing; has game name and catalog number on top; game title on silver background on spine; some copies have been found to contain a white tray rather than the traditional black one (as reported by boxpressed)
Demon Attack Box (Imagic 710005-2A) Imagic 710005-2A 1982 U.S.A. International Edition—text in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish; cover art uses cooler leathery 'space pterodactyl' painting from centerfold of manual; standard black tray with cardboard backing; has game name and catalog number on top; game title on silver background on spine
Demon Attack Box (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A None Brazil Digiplay logo on box; no part number or copyright apparent; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate slots; 'Av. Açaí' address printed on back; special thanks to Intellivotion

The box art for Demon Attack underwent a radical change. Gone were the chrome-plated dinosaurs with cheap rockets glued to them! The more elegant artwork from the manual was put on the front of the box instead.

Original Box Art

Original Box Art (rev. A)

Rev. B Box Art

Revised Box Art (rev. B)

A total of five Demon Attack manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Demon Attack Manual (Imagic 700005-1A) Imagic 700005-1A 1982 U.S.A. Has chrome dinosaur artwork
Image not available. Imagic 700005-1B 1982 U.S.A. UNCONFIRMED! Which artwork is on the cover of this version? Hankster has reported this version exists, but still need scans
Demon Attack Manual (Imagic 700005-1C) Imagic 700005-1C 1982 U.S.A. Has cooler artwork cover using artwork from centerfold
Demon Attack Manual (Imagic 700005-2A) Imagic 700005-2A 1982 U.S.A. International Edition—instructions in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish; uses cooler artwork cover using artwork from centerfold
Demon Attack Manual (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A None Brazil Digiplay edition; no part number or copyright apparent; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper; 'Av. Açaí' address printed on back; special thanks to Intellivotion

Supplemental Materials

The following supplemental materials have been found for Demon Attack.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Demon Attack Additional Materials (Imagic 711005-1A) Imagic 711005-1A 2000   Black text version of note about 2-player game

The following sections describe the differences I've recognized so far between revisions 700005-1A and 700005-1C. Not shown is the lighter, orange background art from pages 11-12, as it's not obvious that the lighter colors are a true revision, or just due to normal variations in printing. It's unclear which changes first appeared in revision B, as this version hasn't been located yet.

The first internal change we see is on page two, in the illustration showing the overlays.

Rev. A, p. 2: Overlay

Page 2: Overlay Illustration (rev. A)

Rev. C, p. 2: Overlay

Page 2: Overlay Illustration (rev. C)

Here we have a very minor change on page four, where the sub-sub bullet was resized. It's the bright blue star next to the auto-fire option.

Rev. A, p. 4: Bullet Size

Page 4: Auto-fire Blue Bullet Size

Rev. C, p. 4: Bullet Size

Page 4: Auto-fire Blue Bullet Size

The color of the rocket ship's exhaust changed from yellow to pink. Hmmm...

Rev. A, p. 9, 13: Rocket Exhaust Color

Page 9, 13: Rocket Exhaust Color (rev. A)

Rev. C, p. 9, 13: Rocket Exhaust Color

Page 9, 13: Rocket Exhaust Color (rev. C)

Here we see that the overlay order form had expanded, and that the mailing address to order replacements changed.

Rev. A, p. 14: Overlay Order Form

Page 14: Overlay Order Form (rev. A)

Rev. C, p. 14: Overlay Order Form

Page 14: Overlay Order Form (rev. C)

Finally, we see that the designer credit and consumer affairs address changed.

Rev. A, back: Credits & Contact Info

Back Cover: Credit

Rev. C, back: Credits & Contact Info

Back Cover: Credit

A total of two Demon Attack overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Demon Attack Overlay (Imagic 140005-1A) Imagic 140005-1A 1982    
Demon Attack Overlay (Phil Boland 140005-1A<br>PRTD2014) Phil Boland 140005-1A
1982   Part of the Imagic Overlays 2.0 Set (2016)

A total of four Demon Attack label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Demon Attack Label (Imagic 720005-1A) Imagic 720005-1A 1982 U.S.A. Picture label with the chrome dinosaur artwork
Demon Attack Label (Imagic 720005-1A) Imagic 720005-1A 1982 U.S.A. Picture label with pterodactyls; ironically the part number is not different (suspect it should be version 1B, as box is)
Demon Attack Label (Imagic 720005-2A) Imagic 720005-2A 1982 U.S.A. International Edition—label text in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish; silver label
Demon Attack Label (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1982   Digiplay edition; has © Imagic 1982; game title not translated; standard Mattel cartridge shell, with dark blue label; large label, square corners; special thanks to Intellivotion

Title Screen Typical Imagic arract mode title screen.
Furious Fighting on the Lunar Landscape The 'splitter' aliens (Tentacled Terrorists) are pretty tough, and very smoothly animated. My only complaint is that I wish they were more colorful. (Of course this can't be so because of the limitations of the Intellivision's graphics chip, mainly.)
Takin' it to the Mother Ship The mothership battle is dang impressive. In fact, there may have even been a legal spat over this vs. the Phoenix arcade game at some point.

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!