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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

A rather strange game - seagulls and dolphins. Rescue Neptune's daughter!

FathomGraphics: 4
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 3
Notes: 1-player game
Screen Shots

For all its rarity, Fathom is an OK—but not earth-shatteringly great—game. The control is a tough when you're a seagull, and the underwater phase "opponents" seem harder to evade than they should be. Some phases of the game look quite beautiful. Need to play this game more. The gameplay seems identical to the Atari version, but control is much harder. To me, it seems rushed and has an incomplete feel to it.

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box No variations have been found.
Manual Two variants have been identified.
Overlays No variations have been found.
Label No variations have been found.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

Only one version of the box has been found for Fathom.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Fathom Box (Imagic 710026-1A) Imagic 710026-1A 1983 U.S.A. Only game from Imagic that has 'For the Mattel® Intellivision® on the spine; part number on spine is different format—not the typical IM 7XXX; has UPC barcode (white) on top of box; black tray does not have cardboard backing - was that normal for this game?

Fathom is the only Imagic box that I have that mentions Mattel Intellivision on the spine of the box.

A total of two Fathom manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Fathom Manual (Imagic 700026-1A) Imagic 700026-1A 1983 U.S.A.  
Fathom Manual (Imagic) Imagic N/A None   Italian-only version; manual is grayscale, not color like other Imagic releases; no part number or date apparent; discovered, and image submitted, by Ignorama; observe the back of the manual here

A total of two Fathom overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Fathom Overlay (Imagic 740026-1A) Imagic 740026-1A 1983    
Fathom Overlay (Phil Boland 740026-1A<br>PRTD2014) Phil Boland 740026-1A
1983   Part of the Imagic Overlays 2.0 Set (2016)

Only one version of the label has been found for Fathom.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Fathom Label (Imagic 720026-1A) Imagic 720026-1A 1983 U.S.A. Text label

Title Screen The lamest Imagic startup screen. In fact, it automatically pushes you into the game after a few seconds.
Game Start - Bird Intially, you begin the game in the 'bird' phase. You can also be a dolphin for the underwater phase.
Touch the Clouds You need to collect some pieces of a trident that are up in the clouds. Control in this phase of the game is difficult.

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