Space Hawk

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

So, what do you get if you re-use the engine for Meteor!?

Space HawkGraphics: 3
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 2
Notes: 1-player
Screen Shots

Many people pan Space Hawk as some poor, lame Asteroids knock-off. I liked the sound effects, and that you had the option for "direct" drive vs. "drift" drive. After all, since Mattel chickened out on Meteor! and instead made Astrosmash!, they had to use the engine for something. Of course, you could also play this game forever. I think at one point I had 758 pilots and the game took several hours just to kill all of them. Best Score (Historical): 22 million+ [Got tired of playing. Had 758 guys when I quit!]

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box So far, eight variations have been found.
Manual Twelve variants have been identified.
Overlays Three different overlay variations are known to exist.
Label To date, six labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No known Easter eggs exist. There is a bug that is explained away by "black holes" being the reason you randomly pop into hyperspace. It's really due to how the Intellivision's controller input signals are encoded.

A total of eight Space Hawk box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Space Hawk Box (Mattel Electronics 5136-0910) Mattel Electronics 5136-0910 1981 U.S.A. Trayless pocket; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom
Space Hawk Box (Mattel Electronics 5136-0910) Mattel Electronics 5136-0910 1981 Hong Kong Plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom
Space Hawk Box (Mattel Electronics 5136-0510) Mattel Electronics 5136-0510 1981 Hong Kong French-Canadian; plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada on back
Space Hawk Box (Mattel Electronics 5136-0410) Mattel Electronics 5136-0410 1981 Hong Kong International version; plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. on bottom
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5136-0410 1981 Hong Kong International version; plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. on Lifestyle Electronics sticker on bottom (Australian market)
Space Hawk Box (Intellivision Inc. 5136) Intellivision Inc. 5136 1981 U.S.A. Standard Intellivision, Inc. box
Space Hawk Box (Sears 5397-0910) Sears 5397-0910 1981 U.S.A. Trayless pocket; black game title on top and back; game title on top of box rotated 180 deg. compared to the standard case
Image not available. Digiplay N/A 1981 Brazil UNCONFIRMED! Digiplay edition; cartridge is known to exist, so box must as well—likley a Digiplay/Mattel version

A total of twelve Space Hawk manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Space Hawk Manual (Mattel Electronics 5136-0920) Mattel Electronics 5136-0920 1981 U.S.A.  
Space Hawk Manual (Mattel Electronics 5136-0920) Mattel Electronics 5136-0920 1981 Hong Kong Image courtesy of Hankster, who also considers this differently tinted version as a variant
Space Hawk Manual (Mattel Electronics 5136-0720) Mattel Electronics 5136-0720 1981 Hong Kong French-Canadian
Space Hawk Manual (Mattel Electronics 5136-0121) Mattel Electronics 5136-0121 1981 Hong Kong German; localized title WELTRAUM-FALKE in smaller font below original title; more common light green / white / dark blue artwork
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5136-0121 1981 Hong Kong German; localized title WELTRAUM-FALKE in smaller font below original title; black background with blue artwork
Space Hawk Manual (Mattel Electronics 5136-0720) Mattel Electronics 5136-0720 1981 Hong Kong Dutch; noted by cmart and generously donated by intellivotion
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5136-0131 1981 Hong Kong Italian; incorrectly states FOR 1 OR 2 PLAYERS (in Italian) on cover; need confirmation of part number; spotted in eBay auction
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5136-0151 None   Swedish version; NEED DETAILS
Space Hawk Manual (Mattel Electronics PC-5136-0920) Mattel Electronics PC-5136-0920 1981 U.S.A. PlayCable version; dark blue, light green and white artwork
Space Hawk Manual (Intellivision Inc. 5136-0920) Intellivision Inc. 5136-0920 None U.S.A. Accordion-style folding
Space Hawk Manual (Sears 5397-0920) Sears 5397-0920 1981 U.S.A.  
Image not available. Digiplay N/A 1981 Brazil UNCONFIRMED! No part number apparent; © M.I. 1981 on back cover

A total of four Space Hawk overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Space Hawk Overlay (Mattel Electronics 5136-4289) Mattel Electronics 5136-4289 1981 U.S.A.  
Space Hawk Overlay (Phil Boland 49 75233) Phil Boland 49 75233 1981 U.S.A. Part of the Sears Super Video Arcade Overlay Set (2013)
Space Hawk Overlay (Intellivision Productions) Intellivision Productions N/A None   Part of the standard 10 overlay set from the 2014 Intellivision Flashback; copyright information has been removed
Space Hawk Overlay (Blue Sky Rangers) Blue Sky Rangers N/A 2019   Reprint from Blue Sky Rangers in 2019; top corners appear to have been incorrectly cut the same as bottom corners

A total of six Space Hawk label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Space Hawk Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A None U.S.A. Origin upper right, ™ upper right; large label, slightly rounded corners
Space Hawk Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A None U.S.A. Origin lower left; © M.I. 1981; ™ center right; appears to be painted on and not a sticker label!
Space Hawk Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A None Hong Kong Origin upper right; ™ upper right
Space Hawk Label (Intellivision Inc.) Intellivision Inc. N/A 1981 U.S.A. Origin lower right; © I.I. 1981 to left of origin; ™ small, centered vertically on right edge; smaller label, rounded corners
Image not available. Digiplay N/A None   Digiplay edition; no image has been located yet, but existence is reasonably certain; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper
Space Hawk Label (Phil Boland) Phil Boland N/A None   Part of the Sears Super Video Arcade Overlay Set (2013)

Title Screen Title screen for Space Hawk.
The Void Pretty starfield, with interesting cosmological debris floating around in addition to the aggressive Space Hawks.

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!