Lady Bug

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Another Pac-Man variant. Why a ladybug eats all those veggies is beyond me. They're carnivorous.

Lady BugGraphics: 3
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 3
Notes: 1- or 2-player game
Screen Shots

Actually, Lady Bug is one of the better Coleco cartridges for Intellivision. Sure, that might not be saying a whole lot, but the sound isn't too bad, and the graphics are decent. It's another Pac-Man clone, with this game's gimmick being the rotating walls that change the shape of the maze. Although I'm not familiar with the arcade game, it is pleasing to see that they did a reasonably good job of preserving the prizes in each maze, and the graphics on them aren't too bad. I still haven't figured out what a ladybug is doing eating all those vegetables, though. Their diet is primarily aphids, so the 'enemy' in this game could well be their meal! Best Score: 48960 (Level 11 - Potato) [Start: Skill Level 1]

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box So far, five variations have been found.
Manual Five variants have been identified.
Overlays Custom overlays have been designed and distributed by Psycho Stormtrooper.
Label To date, three labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

A total of five Lady Bug box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lady Bug Box (Coleco 2483) Coleco 2483 1983 U.S.A. Has artwork next to picture of arcade machine; standard 'Intellivision® or Intellivision® II' banner; small top flaps have proof of purchase w/ part number on one and date of manufacture on the other; has barcode on back
Lady Bug Box (Coleco 2483) Coleco 2483 1983 Canada French-Canadian version; has artwork next to picture of arcade machine; dual-language 'Intellivision® or Intellivision® II' banner; back of box has dual-language game description
Image not available. CBS Electronics ? 1983 Holland International Edition; NEED CONFIRMATION of part numbers, origin, et. al.
Lady Bug Box (CBS Electronics 76-323A) CBS Electronics 76-323A 1983 Holland U.K. release; submitted by Hankster
Lady Bug Box (CBS Electronics 76-323 D) CBS Electronics 76-323 D 1983 Holland German release; more structurally sound than your typical Coleco box; bottom flap tab also lists this number: 3P 4074

A total of five Lady Bug manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lady Bug Manual (Coleco 91859) Coleco 91859 1983 U.S.A.  
Lady Bug Manual (Coleco 51917) Coleco 51917 1983 Canada French-Canadian release with English and French as a single back-to-back manual, flip over to view other language
Image not available. CBS Electronics ? 1983   International Edition; light blue game logo with greyscale version of box art; languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish; no origin printed on manual; NEED CONFIRMATION
Lady Bug Manual (CBS Electronics 2L 1964) CBS Electronics 2L 1964 1983   English (U.K.) edition; blue text and artwork; has another part number on back cover as well: 11-50210-4
Lady Bug Manual (CBS Electronics 2L 1965) CBS Electronics 2L 1965 1983   German edition; blue text and artwork; has other part numbers on back cover as well: Art.-Nr. 7630-D and 11-50146-4

A total of two Lady Bug overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lady Bug Overlay (Coleco) Coleco N/A None   Custom overlay designed by Psycho Stormtrooper
Lady Bug Overlay (Reaper 76-323A) Reaper 76-323A None   Part of the CBS Overlay Pack (2017)

A total of three Lady Bug label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lady Bug Label (Coleco) Coleco N/A 1983 U.S.A. Standard black label; game logo right side up on edge; word wraps: Universal, Intellivi-, Printed, U.S.A., 1983, New
Lady Bug Label (CBS Electronics 4L 2245) CBS Electronics 4L 2245 1983 England English (U.K.) label
Lady Bug Label (CBS Electronics 4L 2246) CBS Electronics 4L 2246 1983   German label

Title Screen Despite its lame title screen, Lady Bug isn't all that bad.
Game Selection Typically sparse Coleco game startup screen. Even their own ColecoVision games followed this pattern.
Level Preview Prior to each level of the game, you get a preview, showing which goodie will appear in the maze.
Are Those Aphids I'm Munching? Actually a pretty nicely done game.

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