Lock 'n' Chase

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

A superb adaptation of the arcade game - I like it better than the MAME version!

Lock 'n' ChaseGraphics: 4
Sound: 5
Replay Value: 4
Notes: 1- or 2-player game; a rumors of a ROM variant abound
Screen Shots

I think Lock 'n' Chase deserves much praise. The graphics are crisp and clear, and the sound effects are beautiful! The little tune that plays when the money bag appears is excellent! Even the squick squawk of Lupin picking up the coins is well done. If it would have been possible, I'd have liked the coppers to be more colorful - but it appears that all of the extra moving objects were used on Lupin instead. Lock 'n' Chase is easily one of the best Pac-Man clones for Intellivision. I like it even better than the original!

ROM It is rumored that both 6K and 8K ROMs exist.
Box So far, nine variations have been found.
Manual Fourteen variants have been identified.
Overlays Two different overlay variations are known to exist.
Label To date, five labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

A total of nine Lock 'n' Chase box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lock 'n' Chase Box (Mattel Electronics 5637-0910-G1) Mattel Electronics 5637-0910-G1 1982 U.S.A. Trayless pocket; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom
Lock 'n' Chase Box (Mattel Electronics 5637-0910-G1) Mattel Electronics 5637-0910-G1 1982 Hong Kong Plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom
Lock 'n' Chase Box (Mattel Electronics 5637-0510) Mattel Electronics 5637-0510 1982 Hong Kong French-Canadian; plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada on back
Lock 'n' Chase Box (Mattel Electronics 5637-0410) Mattel Electronics 5637-0410 1982 Hong Kong International Edition; plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne CA on bottom of box; slots in back for extra manual(s); slots inside for overlays; note that this does not have the 'CONTENTS:' boilerplate most of the -410 variations do, making it harder to spot; note that this version's slots cut through the Mattel running man logo
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5637-0410 1982 Hong Kong International Edition; plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne CA on bottom of box; slots in back for extra manual(s); slots inside for overlays; note that this does not have the 'CONTENTS:' boilerplate most of the -410 variations do, making it harder to spot; the slots in this version do not cut through the Mattel running man logo; reported by Intellivotion
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5637-0410 1982 Hong Kong International Edition; plastic tray; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne CA on bottom of box; note that this does not have the 'CONTENTS:' boilerplate most of the -410 variations do, making it harder to spot; NO SLOTS in back; slots inside for overlays; reported by Intellivotion
Lock 'n' Chase Box (Intellivision Inc. 5637) Intellivision Inc. 5637 1982 U.S.A. Standard Intellivision, Inc. box
Lock 'n' Chase Box (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1982 Brazil Digimed version; 'Rua Acará' address and sticker on back; Mattel Electronics logo on box; no part number apparent; © 1981, 1982 Data East Inc., © Mattel Inc. 1982 on front; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate slots; title not localized; NOTE: both Digiplay and Digimed versions exist; hat-tip: Steve Jones
Image not available. Digiplay N/A 1982 Brazil Digiplay version; Mattel Electronics logo on box; no part number apparent; © 1981, 1982 Data East Inc., © Mattel Inc. 1982 on front; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate slots; title not localized; NOTE: both Digiplay and Digimed versions exist; hat-tip: Steve Jones

One of the most hotly sought ROM variants for a long time has been the mythical 8K version of Lock 'n' Chase. I suppose the source of this rumor is the Intellivision Demo cartridge that showed a different title screen and animation when Lupin was caught. Also, the official site claims that there were two variants. However, these have never actually been spotted in real life, as far as I know or can confirm personally.

Lock 'n' Chase 8K ROM Title Screen

The title screen from the alleged 8K version
(from 1983 demo cart)

Lock 'n' Chase Animation (6K)

Lupin's capture
(6K version)
Images from decle

Lock 'n' Chase Animation (8K)

Lupin's capture
(8K version)
Images from decle

A total of fourteen Lock 'n' Chase manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics 5637-0920) Mattel Electronics 5637-0920 1982 U.S.A. Blue and orange artwork
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics 5637-0920) Mattel Electronics 5637-0920 1982 U.S.A. Blue monochrome artwork
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics 5637-0920) Mattel Electronics 5637-0920 1982 Hong Kong Blue and orange artwork
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5637-0920 1982 Hong Kong NEED CONFIRMATION; Blue monochrome artwork; submitted by Hankster
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics 5637-0720) Mattel Electronics 5637-0720 1982 Hong Kong French-Canadian; blue monochrome artwork
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics 5637-8920) Mattel Electronics 5637-8920 1982 Canada French translation; blue monochrome artwork; plain paper (not glossy); was there a 'slipcover' version of Lock 'n' Chase?
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics 5637-0121) Mattel Electronics 5637-0121 1982 Hong Kong German version; blue monochrome artwork
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics 5637-0720) Mattel Electronics 5637-0720 1982 Hong Kong Dutch; noted, and image submitted, by Oscar G.; black and white manual, but appears to be standard Mattel manual stock, not the cheaper INTV Corp. type paper
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5637-0131 1982 Hong Kong Italian version; blue monochrome artwork
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics 5637-0131) Mattel Electronics 5637-0131 1982 Hong Kong Italian version (black and white); noted, and image contributed by Spadafermo51
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5637-0151 1982   Swedish version; localized title is TJUV OCH POLIS; NEED DETAILS
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Mattel Electronics PC-5637-0920) Mattel Electronics PC-5637-0920 1982 U.S.A. PlayCable version; blue and orange artwork
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Intellivision Inc. 5637-0920) Intellivision Inc. 5637-0920 1982 U.S.A. Accordion-style folding; has © 1981, 1982 Data East, Inc. on cover
Lock 'n' Chase Manual (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1979 Brazil Mattel/Digimed edition; © M.I. 1979 on back; 'Rua Acará' address printed on back; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper

Supplemental Materials

The following supplemental materials have been found for Lock 'n' Chase.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lock 'n' Chase Additional Materials (Mattel Electronics 5872-0680) Mattel Electronics 5872-0680 None   Free Lock 'n' Chase Poster offer; appears to have been included with pack-in copies of the game in the French-Canadian market; French‑Canadian side

A total of two Lock 'n' Chase overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lock 'n' Chase Overlay (Mattel Electronics 5637-4289) Mattel Electronics 5637-4289 1982 U.S.A.  
Lock 'n' Chase Overlay (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1982   Seems like laminated paper; also includes ©1981, 1982 Data East, Inc.; movement and action key text localized, but ENTER button is not; game title also not localized

A total of five Lock 'n' Chase label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Lock 'n' Chase Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A 1982 U.S.A. Small label, rounded corners; origin lower left; © M.I. 1982; © 1981, 1982 Data East, Inc.; ™ upper right; trademark and copyright in thinner, larger point font
Lock 'n' Chase Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A 1982 U.S.A. Small label, rounded corners; origin lower left; © M.I. 1982; © 1981, 1982 Data East, Inc.; ™ upper right; trademark and copyright in smaller point, bold font
Lock 'n' Chase Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A 1982 Hong Kong Rounded corners; origin lower left; © M.I. 1982; © 1981, 1982 Data East, Inc.; ™ upper right
Lock 'n' Chase Label (Intellivision Inc.) Intellivision Inc. N/A 1982 U.S.A. Origin lower right; © I.I. 1982 to left of origin; ™ small, centered to right of game title; smaller label, rounded corners; © 1981, 1982 Data East U.S.A., Inc. upper left
Lock 'n' Chase Label (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1982   No origin; © Mattel, Inc. 1982 on second line; © 1981,1982 Data East Inc on third; large red label, rounded corners; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper; image courtesy of Hankster

Title Screen Ostensibly, the 8K ROM has a correct copyright symbol, as well as a Data East credit. Such a screen was shown in the 1983 Demonstration Cartridge.
The Vault The bank that Lupin is robbing. Smooth animation, crisp, pleasant graphics.

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!