Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes

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Offers three simple games that you can modify via Intellivision Basic.

Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n BytesGraphics: 3
Sound: 2
Replay Value: 2
Notes: 1- or 2-player game; requires ECS
Screen Shots

I have played Mr. Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes a small amount - but not enough to do an exhaustive review. The games themselves are all pedestrian and not worth playing in and of themselves all that much. All of the games are intended to be simple playgrounds for the aspiring Intellivision Basic developer to hone skills and become acquainted with the language. The game includes a spiral-bound manual (the Mattel version, at least) that contains tutorials on each game, with code samples and descriptions of how the game can be modified by the 'player'. As I haven't run though the tutorials in detail, I can't say how valuable they are. In any case, here's a brief rundown of each of the three games.

The Cannon is a rehash of an age-old game - you set the force and angle of a cannon and lob your payload at the enemy. The enemy attempts to do essentially the same thing as you. You can modify various parameters to change the physics of the game world, for example.
In Mr. Basic, your on-screen avatar seems to be compelled to keep a computer server room neat and tidy. You fetch printouts and do other 'menial' tasks. The control is a bit hard, and the game is kind of strange. I seem to remember you fetch flying papers and 'bits' or some such and feed them into the computer in some fashion. Odd, but not really compelling. Again, you can modify the game's variables and such via the Inty Basic language.
The third game is Vampire Bats, in which you defend your building from bats that are eating away the façade. You do this by dropping grenades on them. Hmm. As far as a game goes, it's lame. It may offer you a great way to familiarize yourself w/ Intellivision Basic, but not much else.

Interestingly, it seems that you can plug the cartridge into any old Intellivision without the ECS hooked up and at least play the games. When doing this, you lose the ability to use BASIC - and therefore can't modify the game behavior from the built-in settings.

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box So far, two variations have been found.
Manual Three variants have been identified.
Overlays No variations have been found. Note: This game uses multiple overlays.
Label To date, three labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

A total of two Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Box (Mattel Electronics 4536-0210) Mattel Electronics 4536-0210 1983   Origin is not printed on box, but generic copyright info printed on back; opens on bottom flap—not a book-style box; has barcode on back
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Box (Intellivision Inc. 4536-0210) Intellivision Inc. 4536-0210 1983 Singapore Standard Intellivision, Inc. box; bottom flap has full Mattel part number; game title and Intellivision logo on bottom

A total of three Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Manual (Mattel Electronics 4536-0920) Mattel Electronics 4536-0920 1983 U.S.A. Spiral-bound manual
Image not available. Mattel Electronics ???? None Germany? German version; appears to be typed up translation; spotted in eBay auction
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Manual (Intellivision Inc. 4536-0920) Intellivision Inc. 4536-0920 None U.S.A. Staple along top edge

Only one version of the overlays has been found for Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Overlay (Mattel Electronics 4536-4309) Mattel Electronics 4536-4309 1983 U.S.A. Left controller overlay for 'The Cannon'
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Overlay (Mattel Electronics 4536-4319) Mattel Electronics 4536-4319 1983 U.S.A. Right controller overlay for 'The Cannon'
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Overlay (Mattel Electronics 4536-4289) Mattel Electronics 4536-4289 1983 U.S.A. Overlay for the 'Mr. Basic' game
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Overlay (Mattel Electronics 4536-4299) Mattel Electronics 4536-4299 1983 U.S.A. Overlay for the Vampire Bats game

A total of three Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A 1983 U.S.A. Red background with white letters; origin center-right; © M.E.I. 1983 lower right; ™ upper left; small label, rounded corners
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A 1983 Singapore Red background with white letters; origin center-right; © M.E.I. 1983 lower right; ™ upper left; smaller label, rounded corners
Mister Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes Label (Intellivision Inc.) Intellivision Inc. N/A 1982 Singapore Origin lower right; © I.I. 1982 to left of origin; ™ small, upper right on second line of title; smaller label, rounded corners

Title Screen The ™ symbol is unusal for Mattel title screens. Also note the incorrect location of the apostrophe.
Game Selection Game selection screens don't get more basic that that. *groan*
Vampire Bats Vampire Bats—not much of a game, but a learning tool. After all, using grenades to kill bats? About like using 5 gallons of gas to take out an anthill...
The Cannon As far as graphics go, they're nice for such a simple game. The Cannon is another simple game used in teaching you Intellivision BASIC.
Mr. Basic This is the strangest game of the bunch on this cartridge.

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