Pole Position

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Well, it tries to be Pole Position—it proved to be quite a technically challinging port for the Intellivision. It almost makes me a little more forgiving of Turbo. Almost.

Pole PositionGraphics: 3
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 2
Notes: 1-player game
Screen Shots

Pole Position is one of INTV Corp.'s rare misses. The graphics are OK, but the Intellivision controller just breaks down horribly for this kind of game. I have a horrible time playing this game - but at least it's better than Turbo. My hunch is that if I'd ever get good enough to qualify for more time, I'd see more graphics that looked nice. The sound is OK, but not incredible. As an arcade port, this one is tough to give high marks to mostly because of the extremely difficult control. Four different tracks are available to choose from - I can't recall how many there were in the original arcade version.

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box No variations have been found.
Manual No variations have been found.
Overlays Custom overlays have been designed and distributed by Psycho Stormtrooper.
Label No variations have been found.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

Only one version of the box has been found for Pole Position.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Pole Position Box (INTV Corporation 9004) INTV Corporation 9004 None   UPC barcode on bottom flap, but no game title; no origin or copyright date

Only one version of the manual has been found for Pole Position.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Pole Position Manual (INTV Corporation 9004) INTV Corporation 9004 None   Folds along top edge

Only one version of the overlay has been found for Pole Position.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Image not available. INTV Corporation N/A None   Custom overlay designed by Psycho Stormtrooper

Only one version of the label has been found for Pole Position.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Pole Position Label (INTV Corporation) INTV Corporation N/A None   Large label, square corners; game title in large bold font

Title Screen Title screen for Pole Position.
First Track (Fuji Speedway) The graphics aren't too bad, but this is still a tough game to play on the Intellivision.

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