River Raid

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Excellent conversion of the Atari 2600 classic by Carol Shaw.

River RaidGraphics: 4
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 4
Notes: 1- or 2-player game; designer credits in title screen
Screen Shots

River Raid is a good, solid action game. I may not be that great at it, but I do enjoy the graphics and sound. It doesn't have a musical soundtrack, and the sound effects are about average to slightly above. The graphics are pleasing, and smooth-scrolling. The game grows challenging relatively quickly, and has a really cool title screen. It's vastly better than the Atari VCS version. Easily the best port of any Atari VCS game to the Intellivision that Activision did (that I've played). Best Score: 14850 (10 bridges) [Start: Bridge 1]

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box So far, three variations have been found.
Manual Three variants have been identified.
Overlays Two different overlay variations are known to exist.
Label To date, three labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

A total of three River Raid box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
River Raid Box (Activision MZ-007-02) Activision MZ-007-02 1983   Copyright listed as 1982, 1983 Activision, Inc.; has barcode on back; not modified part number: MZ prefix; was this indicating 'the end of the line' for the Intellivision games?
River Raid Box (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A None   Digiplay version; 'Av. Açaí' address printed on back; special thanks to Intellivotion
Image not available. ShockVision N/A None   Standard generic ShockVision box

A total of three River Raid manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
River Raid Manual (Activision MZ-007-03) Activision MZ-007-03 1983 U.S.A.  
Image not available. Activision N/A None   Italian version of the manual; reported by Andre81; no part number, origin, or date are apparent
River Raid Manual (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A None Brazil Digiplay edition; no part number or copyright apparent; 'Av. Açaí' address printed on back; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper; special thanks to Hankster and Intellivotion

A total of two River Raid overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
River Raid Overlay (Activision MZ-007-05) Activision MZ-007-05 1983 U.S.A. These overlays are notorious for the backing peeling or chipping off—finding and keeping a high-quality set is a challenge
River Raid Overlay (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A None   Copyright information removed, but Activision logo remains; better quality than the standard overlays!; special thanks to Intellivotion

A total of three River Raid label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
River Raid Label (Activision MZ-007-04) Activision MZ-007-04 1983   Copyright actually listed as 1982, 1983 Activision, Inc.
River Raid Label (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A None   No origin or copyright info; ™ upper right; standard Mattel cartridge shell; large purple label with slightly rounded corners; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper; special thanks to Hankster and Intellivotion
Image not available. ShockVision N/A None   Standard ShockVision label.

Title Screen Undoubtedly the coolest Activision title screen.
Clear the Canal! One of my favorite aspects of the Intellivision version of River Raid is that you can fly over the land—if you can dodge the trees.

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!