Shark! Shark!

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

This game deserved great success. Too bad it came so late.

Shark! Shark!Graphics: 4
Sound: 5
Replay Value: 4
Notes: 1- or 2-player; too bad you have to lose all your fish to hear the song!
Screen Shots

Shark! Shark! is another one of those refreshingly original games Mattel produced towards the dismal end of the Golden Age of the console. The soundtrack is excellent - I just wish that you didn't have to end the game to hear the main theme! The 9-year-old daughter of a close friend of mine - who holds her own on N64 and other newer consoles - loves this game! That's how fun it is - a jaded child from today's world of gaming can even enjoy this one!

ROM No ROM variants have been identified.
Box So far, six variations have been found.
Manual Seven variants have been identified.
Overlays Four different overlay variations are known to exist.
Label To date, five labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No known Easter eggs exist. On the Intellivision II, the bubble sound effects are not in sync with the game, though.

A total of six Shark! Shark! box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Shark! Shark! Box (Mattel Electronics 5787-0910) Mattel Electronics 5787-0910 1982 U.S.A. Trayless pocket; no part number on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5787-0910 1982 Hong Kong Gatefold box; assuming with tray (need confirmation); reported by BSRSteve
Shark! Shark! Box (Mattel Electronics 5787-0318) Mattel Electronics 5787-0318 1982 Hong Kong International Edition; plastic tray specific part number on tab of top and bottom flaps; French copyright info on top; © Mattel, Inc. Hawthorne, CA on bottom; English, German, Italian, Spanish and French text on back of box; French translation on front of box (Les Requins!)
Shark! Shark! Box (Intellivision Inc. 5787) Intellivision Inc. 5787 1982 U.S.A. Standard Intellivision, Inc. box; however, states MADE IN SINGAPORE, then that it's printed in U.S.A.
Image not available. Digiplay N/A 1982 Brazil Digiplay version; 'Av. Açaí' address printed on back; Mattel Electronics logo on box; no part number apparent; © Mattel Inc. 1982 on front; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate horizontal slots; title not localized
Shark! Shark! Box (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1982 Brazil Digimed version; 'Rua Acará' address and sticker on back; Mattel Electronics logo on box; no part number apparent; © Mattel Inc. 1982 on front; trayless pocket; manual and overlays in separate vertical slots; title not localized

A total of seven Shark! Shark! manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Shark! Shark! Manual (Mattel Electronics 5787-0920) Mattel Electronics 5787-0920 1982 U.S.A.  
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5787-0920 1982 Hong Kong Submitted by Hankster; confirmed by BSRSteve
Shark! Shark! Manual (Mattel Electronics 5787-0018) Mattel Electronics 5787-0018 1982 Hong Kong International Edition; English, German, Italian, Spanish and French
Image not available. Mattel Electronics 5787-0151 1982   Swedish version; NEED DETAILS
Shark! Shark! Manual (Mattel Electronics PC-5787-0920) Mattel Electronics PC-5787-0920 1982 U.S.A. PlayCable version
Shark! Shark! Manual (Intellivision Inc. 5787-0920) Intellivision Inc. 5787-0920 None U.S.A. Stapled along top edge
Shark! Shark! Manual (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1979 Brazil Mattel Digimed edition; © M.I. 1979 on back; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper; my copy has tear in back cover

A total of four Shark! Shark! overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Shark! Shark! Overlay (Mattel Electronics 5787-4289) Mattel Electronics 5787-4289 1982 U.S.A.  
Shark! Shark! Overlay (Intellivision Inc. 5787-4289) Intellivision Inc. 5787-4289 None   Copyright information masked out; submitted by mcg423
Shark! Shark! Overlay (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1982   Localized in Brazilian Portuguese
Shark! Shark! Overlay (Intellivision Productions) Intellivision Productions N/A 2014 U.S.A. Part of the Supplemental Overlay Pack for Intellivision Flashback

A total of five Shark! Shark! label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Shark! Shark! Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A 1982 U.S.A. Rounded corners; origin lower left; © M.I. 1982; ™ upper right
Shark! Shark! Label (Mattel Electronics) Mattel Electronics N/A 1982 Hong Kong Square corners; origin lower left; © M.I. 1982; ™ upper right
Shark! Shark! Label (Intellivision Inc.) Intellivision Inc. N/A 1982 U.S.A. Origin lower right; © I.I. 1982 to left of origin; ™ small, centered vertically on right edge; smaller label, rounded corners
Image not available. Intellivision Inc. N/A None   No origin or copyright; large label, square corners; need scan
Shark! Shark! Label (Digiplay) Digiplay N/A 1982   Digiplay edition; no origin; ™ upper right; © Mattel Inc. 1982 bottom center; name not localized; submitted by Psycho Stormtrooper

Title Screen Aqua blue variant of the standard title screen.
What we had before aquarium screen savers... Although the playfield can seem somewhat cramped, this game is tons of fun. And the music!

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