Super Pro Football

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Update of NFL Football with lots of interesting changes.

Super Pro FootballGraphics: 3
Sound: 3
Replay Value: 4
Notes: 0- 1- or 2-player game; Easter Egg
Screen Shots

Haven't played much of Super Pro Football against 'live' competition yet. It's another case of INTV Corp. creating an excellent improvement on an Intellivision classic, NFL Football. I think that by proving that the Intellivision could run an even better version of one of the games that had set a new standard for video game football, the durability of the system was proven. Someplace I think I read (probably the Intellivision Lives! site) that this game was the one that sold the development of virtually all the new software released by INTV Corp.

Graphically, the majority of the game didn't change–you still had the same old sprites for your players. However, small touches, like the arch to throws and the shadow under the ball, helped. Play selection was completely reworked, providing for even more variety than before. The new touch that was the most fun was the addition of 'announcers' to show the game's statistics. You've just got to love those stat reports with the INTV announcers!

ROM It has been reported, but not confirmed, that two versions exist.
Box So far, two variations have been found.
Manual Two variants have been identified.
Overlays Custom overlays have been designed and distributed by Psycho Stormtrooper.
Label No variations have been found.
Easter Eggs One Easter egg has been found–game credits.

A total of two Super Pro Football box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Super Pro Football Box (INTV Corporation 8400) INTV Corporation 8400 None   No origin or copyright date; game title on bottom flap—title is upright when box lays face-up
Image not available. INTV Corporation 8400 None   No origin or copyright date; has UPC bar code, but no game title on bottom flap

Special thanks to Hankster for pointing out that a game title vs. UPC variation on the bottom flap of the box exists. My theory on this is that the earlier copies of the game had the game title only. Later copies, destined for store shelves, added the UPC barcode. Note that the barcode has the digits 08400 at the end - 8400 was the catalog number of Super Pro Football. The UPC version that I have seems to have the barcode aligned on the opposite end compared to Hankster's. Great. Now how in the heck are we supposed to cope with all these minute changes?!

Super Pro Football Box Flap w/ Logo
Game logo appears on bottom flap of box

Super Pro Football Box Flap w/ UPC
Only the UPC barcode appears on the bottom flap of the box
(image courtesy of Hankster)

Super Pro Football Box Flap w/ UPC (version 2)
Second variant with the UPC barcode on the bottom flap of the box
(in this case, left-aligned rather than right-aligned)

It's been reported on the Digital Press site (credited to Ian Holbrough) (here) that a ROM variant exists that fixes a bug in Super Pro Football that only appeared on the Intellivision II systems. The bug, listed at the Intellivision Lives! site, was allegedly in some ROMs but not others. Can anyone confirm this with an actual cartridge?

A total of two Super Pro Football manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Super Pro Football Manual (INTV Corporation 8400) INTV Corporation 8400 None   Accordion-style folding
Super Pro Football Manual (INTV Corporation 8400) INTV Corporation 8400 None   Has INTV Corporation address on front cover; image contributed by BSRSteve

Supplemental Materials

The following supplemental materials have been found for Super Pro Football.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Super Pro Football Additional Materials (INTV Corporation) INTV Corporation N/A None   Note for INTELLIVISION II owners about the quarterback not being visible until the ball is hiked; For more info, check the Digital Press' page about Super Pro Football.

A total of two Super Pro Football overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Image not available. Psycho Stormtrooper 8400-SP None   Custom overlay designed by Psycho Stormtrooper
Super Pro Football Overlay (Intellivision Productions) Intellivision Productions N/A None   Part of the Supplemental Overlay Pack for Intellivision Flashback; reissue of the Orphan Overlay by Psycho Stormtrooper; note the addition of the Intellivision Productions copyright and modified Psycho Stormtrooper logo

Only one version of the label has been found for Super Pro Football.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Super Pro Football Label (INTV Corporation) INTV Corporation N/A None   Large label, square corners; SUPER PRO on first line, FOOTBALL on second, both lines use same font and font size

Title Screen Nice touches on the title screen give a glimpse of the improvements you'll find.
Play Selection Screen No need to keep those ratty old playbooks!
Gridiron Action! Too bad more graphical enhancements weren't done for the core game. If this was all you saw, you'd think this was no different than the original NFL Football.
Madden & Summerall, Eat Yer Hearts Out! One of the coolest touches! Football stat junkies can get their fix—with a nifty little announcer team to boot!

Game Credits Easter Egg

Credit: The official Intellivision Lives! site

Press Reset: You must be at the title screen
Either Controller: Press [0] and hold
Easter Egg: Credits for the game scroll by:

Game Credits

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!