Mouse Trap

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Follow this link for info about the review system. 1 = Terrible, 5 = Awesome!

Pac-Man meets Tom and Jerry.

Mouse TrapGraphics: 3
Sound: 1
Replay Value: 3
Notes: 1- or 2-player game. Only Coleco game to ship with overlays. Does not work on Intellivision II.
Screen Shots

Visually, Mouse Trap is OK, but the sound makes me ill - you can't even chomp a bite of cheese without interrupting the horrific background "music." Sure, you can turn it off - over and over and over for each time you start the maze. Another pedestrian Pac-Man clone, with this one offering you the ability to flip red, blue, or yellow doorways open or closed. Instead of power pellets, you can collect doggy bones and transform into a dog, turning the tables on the cats chasing you through the maze. The control is tough to get the hang of - you keep moving until you reach an intersection and then stop. This was the only Coleco game that shipped with overlays. They're decent - the logo on the overlays is a nice touch.

ROM It's possible that two versions exist.
Box So far, six variations have been found.
Manual Seven variants have been identified.
Overlays The only Coleco game released with overlays. Two different overlay variations are known to exist.
Label To date, five labels have been recorded.
Easter Eggs No Easter Eggs have been found.

A total of six Mouse Trap box variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Mouse Trap Box (Coleco 2479) Coleco 2479 1982 U.S.A. Has 'NOT FOR USE WITH INTELLIVISION® II' sticker; standard 'Intellivision™' banner; small top flaps have proof of purchase w/ part number on one and date of manufacture on the other
Mouse Trap Box (Coleco 2479) Coleco 2479 1982 Canada Has 'NOT FOR USE WITH INTELLIVISION® II' sticker covering the bilingual 'PLAYS LIKE THE REAL ARCADE GAME' text; standard 'Intellivision™' banner
Mouse Trap Box (CBS Electronics 61.241903.68) CBS Electronics 61.241903.68 1983 Holland International Edition; there are several part numbers on the box in addition to the one listed on the tab on the top flap: SCI 241903 and 7629-9R2 appear on back and sides above and below the CBS Electronics logo—these may be part numbers for the game; 3P4099 appears on the tab on the bottom flap
Mouse Trap Box (CBS Electronics 7629-9A) CBS Electronics 7629-9A 1983 Holland English (U.K.) Edition; the part number 3P3858 appears on the tab on the bottom flap
Mouse Trap Box (Intellivision Revolution 7629-4A<br>IR‑01) Intellivision Revolution 7629-4A
1983 U.S.A. Reproduction of what could have been a CBS English (U.K.) Edition from Intellivision Revolution; back of box also states © 2013 Phattyboombatty Prod.
Mouse Trap Box (CBS Electronics 7629-9F) CBS Electronics 7629-9F 1983 Holland French Edition; the part number 3P4027 appears on the tab on the bottom flap; lists manufactured in United Kingdom, printed in Holland

There seems to be a ROM variant for Mouse Trap! I'm sure that someone out there can confirm it or not. Either that, or I'll need to finally get around to building a ROM dumper. My bold statement is based on the fact that my CBS version of Mouse Trap boots up perfectly and seems to play fine on the Intellivision II console. I can't get any of the 'standard' domestic copies to work.

Short of dumping the ROM, my other recourse is to use the 'CHECKSUM' feature of the MTE 100 tester. The test is inconclusive. My U.S.A. version produces a rock- steady checksum, but the U.K. version is unstable. While the last two digits of the high and low parts of the checksums are equal, the highest are not, with the remaining digits being unstable.

The game seems to play fine on my NTSC consoles, so despite the PAL warnings on the cart, there don't seem to be any other differences with respect to gameplay, etc. Hankster has verified that CBS Mouse Trap also works on Intellivision II. Has anyone else out there confirmed if theirs also works on an NTSC Intellivision II system? Let me know!

A total of seven Mouse Trap manual variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Mouse Trap Manual (Coleco 91795) Coleco 91795 1982 U.S.A. Black and grey monochrome rather than the typical green
Mouse Trap Manual (Coleco 78084B) Coleco 78084B 1982 U.S.A. Green monochrome
Mouse Trap Manual (Coleco 56699B) Coleco 56699B 1983 Canada French-Canadian release with English and French as a single back-to-back manual, flip over to view other language
Mouse Trap Manual (CBS Electronics 2L2054<br>60.241903.71) CBS Electronics 2L2054
1983   International edition; includes English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish instructions; grayscale art from multilingual box with title and other highlights in blue
Mouse Trap Manual (CBS Electronics 2L 1946) CBS Electronics 2L 1946 1983   English edition; no origin printed on the manual
Mouse Trap Manual (Intellivision Revolution 7429-4A<br>IR‑1) Intellivision Revolution 7429-4A
1983   Reproduction of what an English edition from CBS could have been; back of manual also lists as part of 2014 Reproduction Cartridge
Mouse Trap Manual (CBS Electronics 2L 1948) CBS Electronics 2L 1948 1983 United Kingdom French edition

A total of four Mouse Trap overlay variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Mouse Trap Overlay (Coleco) Coleco N/A 1982    
Mouse Trap Overlay (CBS Electronics) CBS Electronics N/A 1982   It appears that rather than use stock already produced for the U.S. and related markets, more overlays were fabricated–incorrectly! The artwork is upside down!
Mouse Trap Overlay (Intellivision Revolution IR‑1<br>PRTD2013) Intellivision Revolution IR‑1
1982   Nicely rendered 'what could have been' CBS-specific version of the overlay; part of Intellivision Revolution's CBS reproduction set for Mouse Trap
Mouse Trap Overlay (Reaper 7629-9A) Reaper 7629-9A None   Part of the CBS Overlay Pack (2017)

A total of five Mouse Trap label variants have been documented.

Image Vendor Part Number Year Origin Description
Mouse Trap Label (Coleco) Coleco N/A 1982 U.S.A. Standard black label; game logo upside down on edge; word wraps: Incor-, Intellivi-, Sears, of, 1982, York
Mouse Trap Label (CBS Electronics 4L 2142) CBS Electronics 4L 2142 1983 England Standard U.K. label (this one found in a standard U.K. Edition box)
Mouse Trap Label (CBS Electronics 4L 2282<br>CI 241903) CBS Electronics 4L 2282
CI 241903
1983 England Seems to be U.K. label (found in International Edition box); has two part numbers
Mouse Trap Label (Intellivision Revolution) Intellivision Revolution N/A None   Unfortunately the goal to use CBS shells for the Mouse Trap reissue was not realized, so standard Mattel shells filled in; still, this is a nicely rendered label; game logo on label, with ™ in upper right
Mouse Trap Label (CBS Electronics 4L 2144) CBS Electronics 4L 2144 1983 United Kingdom Standard French label (this one found in a standard French Edition box)

Title Screen Title screen for Mouse Trap.
Here, Kitty Kitty! Graphically, the game isn't bad—though I never recall seeing or playing it in the arcades. Not a bad game, but the sound detracts immensely from it.

If you find new, contradictory, or other information you wish to share, please send a message!