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Brought to you by Left Turn Only, the LTO Flash! delivers the most advanced cartridge technology available for the Intellivision to date!
The LTO Flash! User Interface Software by INTV Funhouse provides an easy-to-use application to manage the contents of your
LTO Flash!, configure the advanced features it delivers, keep track of your Intellivision ROM library, and other capabilities as well.
Even if you do not yet own a LTO Flash! cartridge, the LTO Flash! User Interface Software (LUI) still offers
useful tools to keep track of your ROMs and run them in the jzIntv emulator. Because it is expandable, LUI's capabilities will grow.
At this time, the high-level features provided by LUI include:
- ROM library management
- Full support for LTO Flash!
- Intellicart! download support
- Integration with the jzIntv emulator - it's never been easier to use!
Download the version of the LTO Flash! User Interface software that suits your needs:
Current Release |
Download | Notes |
Download for Windows 10 and newer, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista Version: Date: 2019-03-03 |
Download for macOS (Mac OS X 10.7 and newer) Version: Date: 2019-03-03 |
Download for Windows xp (not recommended for newer Windows operating systems) Version: Date: 2019-03-03 |
Download source code Version: Date: 2019-03-03 |
Mac Users Note
Newest Versions ( and later)
With the advent of macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and later, 32-bit applications are no longer supported. The most recent version of the
LTO Flash! User Interface Software is now 64-bit, and should no longer require the installation of the MonoMac software.
Older Versions:
The automatic prompt to install MONO for Mac is downloading an incompatible version of MonoMac! On September 14, 2016, it appears the
prompt to install Mono was redirected to a version that does not work correctly! This problem is being investigated. In the meantime:
MonoMac from this link.
Run the installer first, then the LTO Flash! User Interface Software will work correctly.
You can view the documentation for most recent release of LUI here:
- Windows
Note |
In most cases, Windows will automatically install the drivers for your LTO Flash!. In the uncommon circumstance
when this is not the case, you can install the latest FTDI drivers from FTDI's web site.
- Mac
Note |
For MacOS X 10.9 and later, we recommend using the native FTDI drivers Apple provides with MacOS X. Some users have experienced unstable connectivity in the
user interface software when using Apple's drivers. If this occurs, simply install the drivers from FTDI's web site.
For MacOS X 10.7 and 10.8, install the latest FTDI drivers from FTDI's web site if necessary.
Some users have found that FTDI's drivers have minor (and rare) stability issues unrelated to LTO Flash!. We recommend using the Disconnect button in the
user interface software before unplugging your LTO Flash! to avoid an unexpected reboot of your Mac.
Release Notes
Version | Notes | 2019-03-03 |
 Notes: New firmware. Support for metadata. Latest jzintv. Lots of fixes.
[All] Add 'Check for firmware update' command. (Only looks in local FirmwareUpdates directory.)
[All] Fix missing prompt to udpate firmware.
[All] Update jzintv / SDK-1600 tools to version 1851.
[All] Fix Issue 280: Vendor string needs XML protection.
[All] Fix Issue 257: Crash with badly formed ROM name metadata.
[All] Support for latest jzintv feature: UTF-8 metadata!
[All] Include update to offer installation of firmware version 4416.
[All] Properly deal with bogus date value from intvname.
[All] Fix a NullReferenceException in ROM comparison uncovered by tests.
[All] Suppress annoying network error message that could happen in the "is there an update" check if it timed out.
[All] Fix Issue 203: ECS.bin is not always passed to jzintv.
[All] Fix Issue 204 jzintv Keyboard Hackfile path not working.
[All] Fix Issue 202: Problems when multiple dots are in a file name.
[All] Enable serial port logging in settings.
[All] Report an error if the path of the given ROM and the returned fork are different -- iff the file size or CRC are not valid.
[All] Fix a cute bug in which a missing file (manual, ROM, et. al.) can make it impossible to add new ROMs to the MenuLayout!
[All] Add CFGVAR metadata parsing support.
[All] Improve error message reporting.
[All] Update build processes for jzintv integration.
[All] Fix bug that allowed users to try to download to Intellicart even the serial port it was meant to use was not available.
[All] Fix Issue 114: Switching between differnt LTO Flash! devices does not update menu information.
[All] Fix Issue 115: Menu layout shows device owner, not name.
[All] Address Issue 41: There may be unwanted prompts for more than one LTO Flash! connected.
[All] Fix Issue 20: Video standards in General info for Edit ROM Features are initially blank.
[All] LTO Flash! file system statistics were comparing as not equal when they were actually equal. This was causing more activity in the user interface than necessary.
[All] Fix typos in various messages and dialogs.
[All] Improve error report message if a file is missing.
[All] Add support for parsing ROM metadata.
[All] Fix erroneous 'stuff is dirty' icon being displayed.
[All] Highlight comparisons should now do a better job when the only change to a file is a 'secondary' fork. Changes to contents of manual forks, while properly executed when syncing to cart, were not being displayed in the preview changes modes.
[All] Add check for extended peripheral compatibility flags sub-version in LUIGI header.
[All] Add support for TutorVision feature flags in LUIGI and ROM files.
[All] Add Keyboard Component peripheral flag conversion support.
[All] Fixed a subtle problem in FileSystemHelpers that resulted in 'false dirty' icon when device connected.
[All] Sync device to host uses more efficient LUIGI header methods.
[All] Speed up initial ROM list and menu layout load.
[All] Improvements to device validation, along with support for the user preference to turn off the device validation code for USB VID and PID checking.
[All] Slightly change information logged in device status timer.
[GTK] Add experimental Linux implementation. This is very much WIP and not ready but for insanely brave people who want to figure out how to do it themselves.
[Mac] Why do you keep breaking serial ports, Apple / FTDI? Break up large serial port read / write operations into small chunks.
[Mac] Improve behaviors when system enters low power / sleep / shutdown while LTO Flash! is attached. (Hopefully)
[Mac] Found a race condition in certain circumstances on Mac release build startup.
[Mac] Modify the ROM list view so feature icons don't shrink when the column is too narrow to show all the icons.
[Mac] Fix when running on High Sierra.
[Mac] Fix the 'Cancel' command on Mac's progress bar to work for things besides adding ROMs.
[Mac] Experimental 64-bit Mac build (Xamarin.Mac / Visual Studio for Mac projects).
[Mac] Fixes to disable new features added in macOS Sierra (10.12).
[Win] Add xunit tests for INTV.Core. Found a few bugs. Tests are only run vs. Windows .NET 4.5 build.
[Win] Fix Issue 40: Settings dialog on Windows now closes w/ ESC key.
[Win] Fix an internal problem in which in some circumstances an invalid cast would occur when hiding columns in a tree in Windows.
| 2017-02-22 |
 Notes: Added jzIntv integration! Changed keyboard shortcuts for Intellicart commands; stability improvements.
[All] Added jzIntv launcher! [All] Modified keyboard shortcuts for Intellicart commands. [All] Fixed bug in ROM comparison when one or both files were missing. [All] Fixed crash when deleting all ROMs in ROM list. (embarrassing) [Mac] Address a rare crash during drag and drop. [Windows,Source] Refactored visual creation for ribbon and menu commands. | 2016-09-06 |
 Notes: Added sort options in menu (right click); stability improvements; Mac OS 10.10 fixes.
[All] Add sort by name feature menu layout. Use it via context menu (right click). [All] ROM list will indicate difference between a missing ROM that has a backup copy, and one that's simply missing. [All] Addressed potential crash in cases in which device driver software was not properly or only partially installed. [All] Error reports now include firmware version information if possible. [All] Crash reports attempt to include CLR version number. (Thanks, MonoMac, for foisting a TOTALLY BROKEN update! :P ) [All] Added additional data to device command communication logger. This may prove too verbose for large data transfer commands. [All] Address an inconsistently recurring crash for some cases in which checking file system on brand new LTO Flash! caused a crash in the UI if files in menu / ROM list were missing. [All] Embedded Firmware Update data will be extracted regardless of the 'prompt for firmware update' setting. [All] Made helper to "safely" delete files. Nearly all cases of deletion are to remove temporary backup files. One user encountered a case in which saving menu layout would crash because the backup copy was still "in use". Suspect that write cache on laptop was slow enough that it just so happened that the actual file write of the backup copy was happening when the save finished and the backup was being deleted. [All,Source] Clean up an internal tech debt on how to deal with multiple entrants to handle double-click on a ROM in the ROM list. [All,Source] Refactored some of RunExternalProgram to be more flexible. [All,Source] Small tweaks again to MEF composition, to make more resilient. [All,Source] Don't hit Composition system when we don't have a good reason. Some command CanExecute handlers should now run faster. [Mac] Fixed typo in .dmg background image. How embarrassing! [Mac] Fixed a display issue w/ displaying paths in the Mac preferences dialog. Paths should show purdy icons now. [Mac] Newer versions of Mac OS X (10.10 and newer) do not like Boolean values in info.plist for Environment settings. Changed to strings instead. [Mac] Fix case when unhandled domain exception event handler was called from a non-UI thread. When that happened, it caused the error reporter to crash. [Mac,Source] Massive prep work for Xamarin.Mac port! Going to try to keep the ability to build MonoMac version alive for awhile... The .designer files aren't touched yet - that's going to be fun! Also, in a massive over-abundance of caution, culled "using System;" from most Mac.cs files. This is probably unnecessary, as I suspect type name collisions between MonoMac.Foundation and others are more likely to be in Composition-related namespaces than System... (ExportAttribute, I'm looking at you). [Mac,Source] Added helper function to test if a file path is actually URL string. Also some prep work for the big port to Xamarin.Mac. [Windows] Vertical scroll when dragging an item. [Windows,Source] Added makefile project to zip up installers into version file. | 2016-09-06 |
 Notes: Firmware update; stability improvements.
[All] New firmware update for beta testers. [All] Add minimum file size check for firmware update. [All] Firmware update validation in UI more fault tolerant. [All] Update support tools with latest features. [All] Fixed a dumb, old bug - double-quoted file name argument when calling utility programs. [All] Reword text in some error messages. [All] Simplify warning messages in standard mode. (Gory details remain in detailed error report mode.) [All] UI more tolerant of totally insane, corrupted file systems. (Joe, your test suite is simply murderous!) [All] Improve behavior of copying to LTO Flash! if source files (manuals, ROMs) are missing on PC, but still in menu. [Mac] Small splash screen tweak. [Mac] Added mechanism to disable multi-select in menu editor via info.plist just in case there's something really busted. Hope to never need it. [Source] Fix a build warning (unused variable). [Source] Tidy up some enum member documentation (more compact). | 2016-09-02 |
 Notes: Firmware update; multi-select menu editor (Mac only)
[All] Includes a firmware update for beta testers who may not have updated to the latest firmware. [All] Fixed some typos in user-facing messages. [Mac] Added multi-select to menu layout editor. Sorry, Windows users. Not yet. [Mac] Added some defensive code for two one-time-only bug reports. These have not been reproduced in the field, nor in the debugger. [Windows] Fixed an issue where trying to view a "manual" that was a file type that the OS didn't know how to open would report a fatal error. Instead, just report "could not open" and move on. [Source] Update some internal documentation. | 2016-08-29 |
 Notes: Inaugural patch! Fixes stack overflow and other less severe issues.
| 2016-08-20 |
 Notes: Initial public release.