INTV Funhouse - Magazines

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I finally located my old videogaming magazines from Back In The Day. This was prompted by MrRetroGamer's site.

Electronic Games Magazine

Electronic Games magazine was the first one I got into, and stayed with the most consistently. After perusing the issues I still have, I'm positive it's here that I picked up the notion that Auto Racing was USAC Auto Racing. They kept referring to it that way even after it was released without that license. Another annoying thing I noticed was that they always referred to Armor Battle as Armored Battle. I practically wore out the first issue I read it so many times. I recall hauling it around with me everywhere in school, too.

Electronic Games - Issue 1 Electronic Games - Issue 2 Electronic Games - Issue 3 Electronic Games - Issue 4 Electronic Games - Issue 5 Electronic Games - Issue 6
Electronic Games - Issue 7 Electronic Games - Issue 8 Electronic Games - Issue 9 Electronic Games - Issue 10 Electronic Games - Issue 14  

Video Games Magazine

This mag had pretty decent content. I dropped it after the first few issues, since I wasn't getting enough Inty info from it. However, I did pick up issue #9, which had a lot of stuff about the Intellivision III and other plans for the future of Intellivision. Most of which never happened, it turns out. My daughter (four years old) flipped over the cover for issue #9, and was intensely interested in Ms Pac-Man!

Video Games - Issue 1 Video Games - Issue 2 Video Games - Issue 3 Video Games - Issue 9

Electronic Fun with Computers & Games Magazine

Whew! What a long title! Kind of a neat mag. Another that I only got when it had things interesting enough to me in it. That first issue had Indiana Jones, Spock, and Princess Leia on it - how could you pass that up?

Electronic Fun with Computers & Games - Issue 1 Electronic Fun with Computers & Games - Issue 4 Electronic Fun with Computers & Games - Issue 6 Electronic Fun with Computers & Games - Issue 7

Joystick Magazine

Got this one primarily for info about arcade games.

Joystick - Issue 1 Joystick - Issue 2 Joystick - Issue 3 Joystick - Issue 4

Videogaming Illustrated Magazine

How can you not want to get this mag? It's got TRON on the cover!

Videogaming Illustrated - Issue 1 Videogaming Illustrated - Issue 2 Videogaming Illustrated - Issue 3

Video Games Player Magazine

Ho Hum. This one doesn't stand out in my memory.

Video Games Player - Issue 1

Video Review Magazine

Not really a gaming rag, but I got it because it had interesting Intellivision stuff, and info about quite a few games.

Video Review - Volume 3 Issue 6