Intellivision Press Release Kits

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There have been many press releases and other promotional materials uncovered over the years. These kits were sent to retailers, magazines editors, and so forth to promote new Intellivision games–often far in advance of the actual scheduled release of the games. The most fascinating ones are from late 1983 and 1984, teasing many new titles that were never released. Aside from the treasure trove of titles started or completed at Mattel, and later released by INTV Corporation, who knows the fate of so many of these titles? Parker Brothers and Coleco had announced numerous interesting titles. If you have seen or know of other Intellivision press releases, please send a message!

Missing! Mattel sent out quite a nice press kit for BurgerTime - well, really it was for the other platforms (e.g. M Network) IIRC - since it had become such a hit. Sure wish I had that one!
Beamrider Press Release (Artwork)

This press release announces the Intellivision version of Beamrider by Activision. The majority of the two page letter (follow links for page 1 and page 2) describes the gameplay, and also mentions TV ads, POP displays, and print advertising.
(Image courtesy of Hankster - many thanks!)

River Raid Press Release (Artwork)

This press release announces the Intellivision version of River Raid by Activision, as well as the Atari computer systems and the Atari 5200. The majority of the two page letter (follow links for page 1 and page 2) describes the gameplay. The box image shown is for the ColecoVision release.
(Image courtesy of Hankster - many thanks!)

River Raid Press Release (Artwork)

This press release announces the Intellivision version of Worm Whomper by Activision, the only platform the game was released for, as far as I know. The majority of the two page letter (follow links for page 1 and page 2) describes the gameplay, and also mentions TV ads, POP displays, and print advertising.
(Image courtesy of Hankster - many thanks!)

CBS Electronics Press Release

The CBS Electronics press release for Intellivision games illustrates just how sudden and drastic the crash of 1984 was. The release announces the following games in the cover letter:

  • Wizard of Wor
  • Gorf
  • Blueprint
  • Solar Fox
  • Omega Race
  • Wings
  • Madden Football
  • Domino Man

Sadly, none of these games were ever released. It would have been interesting to see what these were like. On a different note, just how would this have played out with the whole Coleco / CBS Electronics deal in Europe?
(Image courtesy of Hankster - many thanks!)