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A dedicated core of individuals has made it their mission to produce more new games for the Intellivision. These are most certainly NOT trivial 'Hello World' ROMs or minor hacks of existing games to run in your favorite emulator!

Not content to enjoy newly developed games solely through emulators, and recognizing that so few of us actually are fortunate enough to have an IntelliCart, these Intelligentvision-aries made it their mission to bring these games to you in their full glory. This means you get a cartridge, manual, overlays and box that all meet or exceed what you'd have expected back in the early 1980's.

Over its ten-year run—with some periods of retooling—Intelligentvision has consistently delivered not only high-quality original titles, but brought many long-lost unreleased and previously unfinished titles to the Intellivision community. Thank You!

You can find a much better history of Intelligentvision here.

Cartridge Count 36/??

Note: Same Game & Robots counts as a single release, even though it was released three times.

Title Item No. Manual Overlays Rarity Notes
4-Tris Box 4-Tris 9111 Yes

4-Tris Overlay


HBGame design / programming by Joe Zbiciak; box design and overlays by Roger Matthews; coordinated by Chris Neiman and David Harley; serial number 012; more information at the Intelligentvision site; game review / info
Adventures of Tron Box Adventures of Tron 4160 Yes

Adventures of Tron Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; port of the M-Network version; M-Network part number was 4317; according to the Intellivision Lives site, the title screen uses routines developed for the never-released Intellivision III EXEC
Battlestar Galactica Space Battle Box Battlestar Galactica Space Battle No. 2616 Yes

Battlestar Galactica Space Battle Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; amps up the venerable Space Battle to give it the Battlestar Galactica treatment that it was meant to have
Beauty & the Beast Pro Box Beauty & the Beast Pro IV2024 Yes

Beauty & the Beast Pro Overlay


HBSomehow Intelligentvision's David Harley has managed to take one of the best games on the platform and bring it up another notch! Beautifully presented in the Imagic box style, this is sure to please!
Choplifter Box Choplifter 4605 Yes

Choplifter Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; according to Intellivision Lives: unfinished project from INTV Corp; game programming / graphics by Scott Robitelle; title screen graphics by Connie Goldman; part number collides with King of the Mountain
Deep Pockets Super Pro Pool & Billiards Box Deep Pockets Super Pro Pool & Billiards 4607 Yes

Deep Pockets Super Pro Pool & Billiards Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; still "wrapped"; game review / info
Donkey Kong Arcade Box Donkey Kong Arcade 9115 Yes

Donkey Kong Arcade Overlay


HBHow Donkey Kong should have been done; more info at the Intelligentvision site; game programming by Carl Mueller Jr.; artwork by Gil Garcia; box design by Oliver Puschatzki; manual by David Harley
Fight for the Cup 2017 NHL All-Star Super Pro Hockey Manual (no box) Fight for the Cup 2017 NHL All-Star Super Pro Hockey 9003A Yes

Fight for the Cup 2017 NHL All-Star Super Pro Hockey Overlay


HBImagine Slap Shot! Super Pro Hockey - with its bugs fixed! Released as a bare board only, the community has stepped up to provide a manual, overlays, cartridge label, and box; additional information at the Intelligentvision site
Illusions Box Illusions 4743 Yes

Illusions Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; according to Intellivision Lives: previously unreleased 1984 project from Mattel Electronics; need info on how it was finished
King of the Mountain Box King of the Mountain 4605 Yes

King of the Mountain Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; according to Intellivision Lives: previously unreleased project from Mattel Electronics; programming by Judy Mason; need more info
Lock 'n' Chase Revenge of Lupin Box Lock 'n' Chase Revenge of Lupin Yes

Lock 'n' Chase Revenge of Lupin Overlay


HBThis supercharged version of Lock 'n' Chase provides eight new mazes, tuning options for gameplay, and much, much more! If you're not up to purchasing the full release at Intellivision Collector, then at least fetch the ROM directly from Intelligentvision
Magic Carousel Box Magic Carousel 4161 Yes

Magic Carousel Overlay


HBAlso found on Intellivision Rocks!, this is a previously unreleased ROM co-published with Intellivision Revolution; additional info at the Intelligentvision site; game review / info
Minehunter Box Minehunter 9113 Yes

Minehunter Overlay


HBInfo and history at the Intelligentvision site; game design / programming by Ryan Kinnen; box design and overlays by Roger Matthews; coordinated by Chris Neiman and David Harley; serial number 012
Ms. Night Stalker Box Ms. Night Stalker 9117 Yes

Ms. Night Stalker Overlay


HBThe nameless protagonist from the original game's Better Half is all out of bubble gum!; more info and history at the Intelligentvision site; multiple mazes, more challenging AI and numerous other features to challenge you
Ms. Pac-Man Box Ms. Pac-Man 9116 Yes

Ms. Pac-Man Overlay


HBCarl Mueller, Jr. strikes, once more doing Impossible Things, bringing an amazing effort. With an assist from David Harley, you also get 20 additional levels, along with many other gameplay options
Mystic Castle Box Mystic Castle 4469A Yes

Mystic Castle Overlay


HBThis is a reworked version of Thunder Castle that picks up the pace and challenges ratchets up the challenge quickly! Beware - magic items may behave differently than you remember. Released as a bare board only, the community has stepped up to provide a manual, overlays, cartridge label, and box. More info at the Intelligentvision site
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Super Pro Boxing Box Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Super Pro Boxing Yes

Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Super Pro Boxing Overlay


HBFinally, thanks to Intelligentvision we have a Super Pro treatment of Boxing - with one-player mode and, as one expects, options galore with a focus on increasing enjoyment of the game
Rocky & Bullwinkle Box Rocky & Bullwinkle 4601 Yes

Rocky & Bullwinkle Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; according to Intellivision Lives: game programming by Min Chau Tran; music / sound effects by David Warhol; previously unreleased from Mattel Electronics
Same Game & Robots Box Same Game & Robots 9114 Yes

Same Game & Robots Overlay


HBInfo and history at the Intelligentvision site; game design / programming (2005) by Michael Hayes; box design and overlays (2005) by Roger Matthews; coordinated by Chris Neiman and David Harley; serial number 012 (2005); Intellivoice and other enhancements added in 2012 release (no serial number on box); additional programming by David Harley (2012), box design and overlays (2012) by Oliver Puschatzki, artwork (2012) by Gil Garcia, voices by Sierra, David, and Heather Harley and Joe Franks
Scarfinger Box Scarfinger 4604 Yes

Scarfinger Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; according to Intellivision Lives: unfinished 1984 project from Mattel Electronics; game design / programming by Barcay & Burt; graphics by Bob del Principe; music / sound effects by Sam Zalan
Shark Shark 2! Box Shark Shark 2! 2617 Yes

Shark Shark 2! Overlay


HBUpdated version of the classic Shark! Shark! game, with more fun two-player mode and other adjustments. Better details at the Intelligentvision site. Released as a bare board only, the community has stepped up to provide a manual, overlays, cartridge label, and box
Space C*nt Box Space C*nt 4606 Yes

Space C*nt Overlay


HBUpgraded from the infamous hack done by the Blue Sky Rangers to illustrate how something sounded in Tron Solar Sailer; co-published with Intellivision Revolution; more info at the Intelligentvision site
Space Invaders Box Space Invaders 1119-22 Yes

Space Invaders Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; fun upgrade with selectable difficulty and armada size! The aliens are now much better sized - a wonderful blend of the uniqueness of Mattel's take and the classic original
Spina the Bee Box Spina the Bee 4602 Yes

Spina the Bee Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; according to Intellivision Lives: game programming by Simonot; graphics by Bob del Principe; music / sound effects by Sam Zalan; unfinished 1984 project from Mattel Electronics; part number collides with Yogi's Frustration
Stonix Box Stonix 9112 Yes

Stonix Overlay


HBThe excellent debut offering from Intelligentvision; info and history; game design / programming by Arnauld Chevallier; box design and overlays by Roger Matthews; coordinated by Chris Neiman and David Harley; each game individually numbered (ROM chip and box); serial number 012; game review / info
Striker! Super Pro Bowling Box Striker! Super Pro Bowling Yes

Striker! Super Pro Bowling Overlay


HBAnother fine-tuned update to an Intellivision classic, with tightened up gameplay, a truly left-handed bowler, and more refinements that bring a breath of fresh air to the game
Super Chef BT Box Super Chef BT 6901 Yes

Super Chef BT Overlay


HBIt's BurgerTime++–or how to make something great event better; more info and history at the Intelligentvision site
Super NFL Football Box Super NFL Football 4696 Yes

Super NFL Football Overlay


HBECS version of the game originally announced for the Keyboard Component; the Intelligentvision site displays a version of the box with a red game title—have not determined yet if there is such a variation
Super Pro Baseball Box Super Pro Baseball 5790 Yes

Super Pro Baseball Overlay


HBA tuned-up version of World Championship Baseball, this game will challenge even the best Intellivision baseball players! Released as a bare board only, the community has stepped up to provide a manual, overlays, cartridge label, and box
Super Pro Gammon Box Super Pro Gammon Yes

Super Pro Gammon Overlay


HBThis is far more than a tune-up to the venerable ABPA Backgammon! Settle in for nine variations including Nack Gammon, Hyper Gammon, Dutch Gammon, Long Gammon, Two-by-Two, One-by-One, Sudden Death ... and more!
Super Pro King of the Mountain Box Super Pro King of the Mountain 9605 Yes

Super Pro King of the Mountain Overlay


HBMore info at the Intelligentvision site; substantial upgrade to the initial release, with ten times the number of screens, music, bug fixes, and more
Super Pro Tennis Box Super Pro Tennis 6902 Yes

Super Pro Tennis Overlay


HBHow do you make childhood dreams come true? Do it yourself! Tennis gets the Super Pro treatment; more info and history at the Intelligentvision site
The Flintstones' Keyboard Fun Box The Flintstones' Keyboard Fun 4535 Yes

The Flintstones' Keyboard Fun Overlay


HBECS version of the game announced back in 1983; more info and history at the Intelligentvision site
Tron Anthology Box Tron Anthology Yes

Tron Anthology Overlay


HBAt long last, what was once planned as "Tron Complete" has been delivered as a quartet of Tron games for Intellivision—Reloaded, Revisited, and Rebooted! This deluxe package includes overlays for all four games plus five postcard-sized mini movie posters from the original Tron release: U.S.A., U.K., Australia, Japan and Thailand
Voice Anthology Box Voice Anthology Yes

Voice Anthology Overlay


HBIntelligentvision continues to deliver nicely upgraded editions of the classics, in this case the entire quartet of IntelliVoice games - enhanced:: B-17 Bomber: Flying Fortress, Bomb Squad Pro, Space Spartans: Last Defense; the previously released Tron Solar Sailer: Tron Revisited from Tron Anthology is included along with several bonus voice titles!
Yogi's Frustration Box Yogi's Frustration 4602 Yes

Yogi's Frustration Overlay


HBMore info at Intelligentvision's site; according to Intellivision Lives (Yogi's Adventure): game design / programming by Mark Buczek; graphics by Mark Buczek and Monique Lujan-Bakerink; music / sound effects by Joshua Jeffe; previously unreleased from Mattel Electronics