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INTV Corporation

Intellivision Games
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Mattel Electronics
INTV Corporation
Blue Sky Rangers, Inc.
Parker Brothers
Dextell, Ltd.
  2600 Connection
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  Dr. Ports
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  Zbiciak Electronics
Intellivision, Inc.
CBS Electronics

Mattel Electronics
INTV Corporation
GTE Sylvania

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INTV Corporation
Dextell, Ltd.
Intellivision, Inc.

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That wonderful, last gasp of the Intellivision universe. I was preparing for college, and out of the blue I got this catalog in the mail. It had new Intellivision games in it! And INTV System III - could it be the Intellivision III I'd read about a couple of years before? Sure didn't look like it. But hey! NEW GAMES! Wow!

Invariably, the INTV games proved that the Intellivision was not technologically dead. (Well, at least to those fools who clung to their Intellivision controllers with a death grip.) These games consistently illustrated how great the sound chip in the Intellivision was, and that the stunts you could pull to squeeze out better graphics weren't dead. Being the first 16-bit gaming system (beating Sega by, oh, 10 years or so), the old CP1610 could still crank up some decent games.

So, I loaded up and bought what turned out to be my longest-lived, most used machine. At one point I even had the Hover Force T-shirt, but it was stolen when I worked in St. Louis one summer in grad school. Yes, imagine that - a graduate student in Electrical Engineering wearing a Hover Force T-shirt. How's that for GEEK!? And some scum actually STOLE it! But Hover Force was (and is) a pretty damn cool game!

A hefty portion of my INTV Corp. games are relatively recent acquisitions - mostly the sports titles. A lot of the stuff I bought from the catalog was actually Mattel stuff, and the Atarisoft games. My wife thinks I suffer from some sort of mental illness because of my desire to get these games. But hey - they're fun!

Cartridge Count 21/21 (22/22)

Note: I do not count the Dextell games as INTV games
Note: I do not the INTV release of Pac-Man as a unique INTV release, but it is a ROM variation
Note: I do count games developed by Mattel, but first released and distributed by INTV Corp., as INTV games
Note: The secondary cartridge count includes Deep Pockets Super Pro Pool and Billiards, which is only available in ROM format at this time. You can download the ROM at the Intellivision Lives! site.

Title Item No. Manual Overlays Rarity Notes
Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling Box Body Slam! Super Pro Wrestling 9009 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER1* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Chip Shot Super Pro Golf Box Chip Shot Super Pro Golf 8900 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER3Have the 'Caddie' ROM variant; * custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Commando Box Commando 9000 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER3* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
ROM Image Only Deep Pockets Super Pro Pool & Billiards ???? N/A


C2Available only as ROM image, until Intelligentvision produced a wonderful gift for some fortunate souls during the 2012 holiday season; game review / info
Dig Dug Box Dig Dug 9005 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER2Have both box variants; * custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Diner Box Diner 8800 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER1* Home-made overlays, designed by Steven A. Orth; overlay how-to at GigaIntellivision; game review / info
Hover Force Box Hover Force 8500 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER2* Home-made overlays, artwork designed by James Carter; artwork from Tomorrow's Heroes, overlay how-to at GigaIntellivision; game review / info
Learning Fun I Box Learning Fun I 9002 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER1* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Learning Fun II Box Learning Fun II 9006 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER1* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Mountain Madness Super Pro Skiing Box Mountain Madness Super Pro Skiing 9007 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER2* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Pac-Man Box Pac-Man 8000 Yes


U1Game modified to remove the Atari logo, so this counts as a ROM variant; game review / info
Pole Position Box Pole Position 9004 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER2* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball Box Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball 9001 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER3* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Slap Shot Super Pro Hockey Box Slap Shot Super Pro Hockey 9003 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER3* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Spiker! Super Pro Volleyball Box Spiker! Super Pro Volleyball 9102 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER1* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Stadium Mud Buggies Box Stadium Mud Buggies 9100 Yes

N/A [2*]

URBox is unused - i.e. still flat and never folded; manual pristine but not perfect; cart very nearly perfect; * custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper
Super Pro Decathlon Box Super Pro Decathlon 9008 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER2* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper
Super Pro Football Box Super Pro Football 8400 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER3* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Thin Ice Box Thin Ice 8300 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER2Have both yellow logo and white logo box versions; * custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Thunder Castle Box Thunder Castle 4469 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER2* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Tower of Doom Box Tower of Doom 8600 Yes

N/A [2*]

ER2* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper; game review / info
Triple Challenge Box Triple Challenge 8700 Yes

N/A [6*]

ER1* Custom overlays designed by Psycho Stormtrooper for each of the three games; game review / info
World Championship Baseball Box World Championship Baseball 5789 Yes

World Championship Baseball Overlay


U1Overlay and box variants exist; game review / info